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Saturday, September 08, 2018

Cops Cuff Black Teen Riding With White Grandmother Because Someone Thought He Was Robbing Her

An 18-year-old Wisconsin man was detained by police officers, handcuffed and placed in a squad car for questioning after authorities were alerted to a black man robbing two older white women from the back seat of the white women’s car.

He was coming home from church with his grandmother and her friend.

According to the Journal-Sentinel, Wauwatosa, Wis. police chief Brian Zalewski said an officer was flagged down by an African American couple. The do-gooders pointed to a blue Lexus with a black man riding in the back seat while two older women were riding in the front. According to the couple, it was obvious that someone was either filming a reverse remake of Driving Miss Daisy, or there was a robbery in progress.



  1. Profiling ? Not when you look at the stats. history . When this culture improves the profiling will go away. Yoo mamma

  2. Better safe than sorry. This is what happens with you cross races.

  3. Wow! Hate Whitey article.


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