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Monday, September 17, 2018

Candace Owens visits ICE immigration center: it's nicer than every school I attended! Some Foul Language


  1. These centers for children and families who by coming here ILLEGALLY are nothing but CRIMINALS to begin with are run by different faith based organizations. The federal government gives them 100's of millions a year to run these places.
    All for what? Nothing but criminals who shouldn't be able to spend one minute here in this country. If they can't respect our laws they are bad worthless garbages who will raise their spawn to not respect our laws.
    This is not 1900. We don't need them. All they do is keep wages low for Americans. They are only good for big business so they don't have to pay more and offer benefits. The only reason democrats want them is decent good people don't vote democrat so they need to regrow their voter base. Don't let the democrats fool you. There isn't an honest democrat alive. They are all liars. Immigration has nothing to do with humanitarianism for them only votes. Again don't be fooled by democrats. They are ALL liars and the lowest form of life there is.

    1. They are ALL Communists now and we need a civil war with them.

  2. She is 100% on point and on the mark - The Dems are evil and liars.

  3. The dems need to welcome a bunch of fresh voters. The black vote is already theirs and they know it. Sad. Funny part is look who came up with the JIM crow laws and not letting blacks vote because of a felony. That's the dems for you.

  4. Oh my God i hope this goes viral!

  5. I say send them straight to prison x 1 yr MANDATORY.

  6. And now since the churches get FED funding, which they dont want to stop getting, they have also sold us out. It all part of the NEW AGE agenda.


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