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Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Calendars From 1982 Show Kavanaugh Was "Out Of Town" When Ford Assault Allegedly Took Place

In his latest attempt to clear his name following allegations from Palo Alto University Professor Christine Blasey Ford claiming that he had had attempted to sexually assault her more than 35 years ago when they were seniors in high school, Judge Brett Kavanaugh will hand over calendars from the summer of 1982 which supposedly show that he was out of town when the party described by Ford allegedly took place.

According to the New York Times, the calendars do not disprove Ford’s allegations, as he could have attended a party that he did not list on his calendar. Instead, his team intends to argue that Kavanaugh's calendars don't confirm Ford's account of how an inebriated Kavanaugh allegedly pinned her to a bed and tried to remove her clothing. Ford has said she does not recall the specific date of the party.

The calendar pages from June, July and August 1982, which were examined by The New York Times, show that Judge Kavanaugh was out of town much of the summer at the beach or away with his parents. When he was at home, the calendars list his basketball games, movie outings, football workouts and college interviews. A few parties are mentioned but include names of friends other than those identified by Dr. Blasey.

The challenge for senators trying to confirm or refute the accusation against Judge Kavanaugh is that Dr. Blasey has said she does not recall the specific date or location of the house where the alleged incident occurred. She has said she believes it was during the summer of 1982, and she remembers wearing a bathing suit with other clothing on top of it, suggesting the party might have taken place after a swim outing at a local country club.



  1. Alright joe, only because I feel comfortable in your anonymous forum, I’m going to break more facts about the Brett Kavanuagh indiscretions. It was a cool senior week in 1983, I was there hanging out in downtown ocean city watching young people party themselves to oblivion. That’s when I ran into Brett Kavanuagh and this sweatneck lady. All she says was true happening at a house on 3rd st. Or 4th, or was it Talbot, maybe 26th street, my recollection is fuzzy. In any case the gang rape lines were long this cool June evening, some went as long as the inlet parking lot, but the patience of these rapists and their kind demeanor and courteous style wasn’t something I’ll soon forget. Sure enough all of these players were there, Kavanuagh, sweatneck, mark judge, bill Clinton, Ronald McDonald and bill Cosby, their faces will haunt me forever, the dark indiscretions. I could take no more and so I fled this June tradition of sexual violence ocean city has become the epicenter of these many years. On my way out I passed Harvey Weinstein offering scripts to young ladies on the street, wilt chamberlain left one house with a score board hanging from his neck like a gold chain, all clear memories I’m confident in.
    I hope this doesn’t make it to congress as I am not one to testify, some may argue that my memory isn’t reliable, as I wasn’t quite 6 years old and was high on spiked chocolate milk, but I know what happened and now so do you.

  2. Unsurprisingly, the second accuser had a lien against her property for "unpaid taxes totalling tens of thousands of dollars" which have now been paid. Anyone with common sense can see what is going on here.

  3. LOL also, and this is just about how this mess before the Senate Judiciary committee today went down. I'm also not so sure that Ford woman isn't being paid to get in there and lie her ass off today.

  4. 7:21 AM,
    I waited in that line seemingly forever. Imagine my surprise when I got to the end and discovered ...

    It was for Thrasher's french fries.

    Later, I heard from someone else that they were actually more enjoyable than a turn with the sweatneck girl.

    And that's my recollection ... at least I think it is ...

  5. The Truth will set him FREE !!!!

    The more you Dig the more it comes out !!!!

    If he Not There .....then Proof Enough !!!!


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