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Friday, September 28, 2018

Breaking News: Facebook said an attack on its computer network exposed the personal information of about 50 million users.

The company discovered the breach earlier this week, finding that attackers had exploited a feature in Facebook’s code that allowed them to take over user accounts. Facebook fixed the vulnerability and notified law enforcement officials.

More than 90 million of Facebook’s users were forced to log out of their accounts Friday morning, a common safety measure for compromised accounts.


  1. Is this why I got a friend request yesterday from a 20 year old hottie with four local government friends and porn on her site?

    I'm thinking about leaving Facebook altogether.

  2. 2:08-And she had at least 100 loyal male followers,lol.I saw it too.

  3. Hmm. Maybe that was the sound we heard. :)

  4. They are just mad they didnt get paid for that batch of data.


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