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Tuesday, September 04, 2018

Baltimore Ravens punter admitted to severe trauma hospital after being found with head injuries after he was 'assaulted' and had his 'teeth kicked out'

Kaare Vedvik, a rookie kicker for the Baltimore Ravens, was hospitalized Saturday morning after being found with head injuries consistent with an assault, according to law enforcement.

Baltimore Sun reports the 24-year-old American footballer was sent to a Shock Trauma, a special center in Maryland that treats severe injuries, after he was left with damage to his upper body.

Firefighters called law enforcement to the scene in East Baltimore at 4am.



  1. Welcome to Baltimore kid. Stick with football, it's less violent.

  2. Gee. ANOTHER case of a gang of poor African Americans seeing a white and decided to jump him. Yet they wonder why people can't stand them. Yet they take a knee. Yet they are given EVERYTHING to succeed. Yet they still can't GTFO of their own way.

    1. I'm glad you took the time to read the story... oh walt you didn't, did you? If you had you would have noticed he is black. Just another idiot trying to make it a race issue. It's a Baltimore issue, a moral issue and an issue of not being raised to respect others and their property.

  3. 6:53am He is not white.

  4. Maybe this will light a fire under Baltimore officials....nah. Gov Logan wants to help but the Mayor keeps ignoring his calls. Sound familiar?

  5. Guess that career is over


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