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Wednesday, September 12, 2018

AP Fact Check Confirms Dem Senator Ranked No. 1 in 'Cash From Lobbyists'

The Associated Press determined a television advertisement released by the National Republican Senatorial Committee correctly pointed out Sen. Jon Tester (D., Mont.) "was No. 1 in Cash from Lobbyists in 2018" for a time.

"The Republican group got it right — Tester was the top recipient in Congress of money from lobbyists for a time, according to campaign contribution data compiled by the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics,"the AP reports.

This claim has been repeated by President Donald Trump and Tester’s opponent, Montana state auditor Matt Rosendale (R.). Last month, Rosendale tweeted Tester was receiving "the most cash" from lobbyists.

When Rosendale posted his tweet on Aug. 24, representatives of the lobbying industry had contributed $394,478 to Tester’s campaign during the 2018 election cycle, according to the center’s website, opensecrets.org.

That made him tops among members of Congress receiving lobbying industry contributions, just ahead of U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown, an Ohio Democrat who had $381,033.



  1. All the Democrats know to do anymore is lie, cheat and steal. And only liars, cheaters and thieves would be members of their party. Pathetic!

  2. They are NOT bribes!!

    How many times does he have to tell you that??
    They are "campaign contributions".

    Millions cheer.
    And wonder why the only thing that gets done is what the local corporations want.
    "We, the people"???
    Totally screwed. Just ask Maxine Waters' constituents.

    Keep cheering.


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