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Sunday, September 30, 2018

Another Julie Brewington Video When Police First Arrived, (arrest) The Beginning


  1. She got arrested again I cant believe it!!! When she gone lern?

  2. Interesting how she was very able to jump in and out of her car when it was on a hill but now has rhumatoid authritus when she realized she was going to be arrested for DUI. She will make a good politician. A drunk lier.

  3. Sad. ‘What else can I do for you?’
    Try shutting up for once! And yes, I bet she was trying to proposition her way out.

  4. Round Two Here We Go!!!

  5. Has she ever acknowledged this event or apologized for it?

  6. Thank Goodness for body cams . She posted for months about being abused and her rights being violated! Liar! I do not care her party or not she broke the law.Even if a Dem gets the seat I will NOT vote for her! If she will lie about this she will lie about any and everything. Thank you Corp. Hamilton for getting her off the roads.I am sorry you had to endure this as well as Officer Parker.

    1. Where did she post lies? Her Facebook? I'm not finding anything there ...

  7. Karma Julie. Keep it up.

  8. God bless the Sheriffs for keeping their cool. I don’t think they get paid enough for dealing with this stupidity!

  9. WOW! I didn't realize that was Julie Dilworth until the cop said her maiden name! We went to Bennett Jr. High together from '78 to '80. I then went to Bennett Sr. and she went to Parkside and I never saw her again, but I never forgot her great personality and beautiful smile, she was a lovely girl back then. In the 1984 Parkside yearbook with her senior portrait it says "DILWORTH, JULIE KATHERINE--"DILLY",8-17-66, AMBITION-TO ATTEND COLLEGE AT E.C.U.AND MAJOR IN COMMERCIAL ART." It's sad to see what a wreck she is now.

  10. "There's no urd-erdor." Hahahahaha

  11. Clearly suggesting sexual favors to get her out of it. Her responses for a whole minute was all innuendo. #Metoo, lmao!

    I hang with some occasional weekend warriors, and they don't slur their speech like that even when clearly intoxicated! She must have been triple the limit. Anyone know her Blood alcohol content?

    A realtor at ERA? She should be dismissed!

  12. Cpl.Hamilton is hot, I might offer him something if he wasn't arresting me for DUI. LOL

  13. So sad. Pray she doesn’t hurt someone.

  14. I thought it was mandatory suspension of license for refusal of field sobriety. Stet really?

    1. It is and was. Mva has a separate court system.

    2. She didn’t get stet. She plead guilty. Do some research.

  15. I wouldn't vote for this drunken slob for dogcatcher!

  16. I heard there was a Holier Than Thou Convention going on here. :-D

    1. That is funny because you think this piece of garbage is worth defending

  17. Where is Mark McIver when Republicans need him -- to get her to withdraw from the election and from the central committee?

  18. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I thought it was mandatory suspension of license for refusal of field sobriety. Stet really?

    September 23, 2018 at 8:34 PM

    No. No one has to perform field sobriety tests and there is no punishment for not doing so.

    What you are thinking of is a breathalyzer test or anything similar. Field tests are not scientific per se. They can give an indication of impairment, but proof is needed, such as b.a.c. (blood alcohol content), and that can only be obtained from a breathalyzer or a blood sample.

  19. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I thought it was mandatory suspension of license for refusal of field sobriety. Stet really?

    September 23, 2018 at 8:34 PM

    No, legally no one has to do a field sobriety test. If someone refuses a breathalyzer then it's an automatic year suspension because of implied consent.

  20. Anonymous said...
    WOW! I didn't realize that was Julie Dilworth until the cop said her maiden name! We went to Bennett Jr. High together from '78 to '80. I then went to Bennett Sr. and she went to Parkside and I never saw her again, but I never forgot her great personality and beautiful smile, she was a lovely girl back then. In the 1984 Parkside yearbook with her senior portrait it says "DILWORTH, JULIE KATHERINE--"DILLY",8-17-66, AMBITION-TO ATTEND COLLEGE AT E.C.U.AND MAJOR IN COMMERCIAL ART." It's sad to see what a wreck she is now.

    September 23, 2018 at 6:40 PM

    You took the time to look for a middle school year book? WTF kind of Troll are you?

  21. Anonymous said...
    I wouldn't vote for this drunken slob for dogcatcher!

    September 23, 2018 at 8:43 PM

    NO SH!T Sherlock! There is no such thing as an elected dog catcher you liberal moron.

    And it's dog catcher, not dogcatcher.

  22. What a great embarrassment for a aging parent and aspiring community servant. I feel for her father. I have known him to be a well respected gentleman for many years. Prayers...

  23. Now she has changed her facebook picture of one with Jamie Dykes, Mike Lewis and her. It looks like she just stepped in to get in the picture or maybe it's the good ole boys network and that is why she never received any punishment.

  24. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Where is Mark McIver when Republicans need him -- to get her to withdraw from the election and from the central committee?

    September 23, 2018 at 11:05 PM

    McIver and the others on the committee should have recruited another person for that slot. They are a bad joke. Get ready for lots of excuses and "that's not our job".

  25. Everyone who has seen these videos needs to contact ERA and have her fired!! This is a horrible reflection on their business standards

  26. Definitely Percocet/oxys in the mix. Live it up girl.

  27. Alcohol abuse sure makes one look old beyond their years.

    1. She is definitely on pills. Doesn’t matter what. Alcohol doesn’t do that to a pro like her

  28. Everyone who has seen these videos needs to contact ERA and have her fired!! This is a horrible reflection on their business standards
    September 24, 2018 at 9:35 AM

    Sorry to disappoint but she was not at work, nor on the job. I has nothing to do with work.

  29. HAHAHA. Gotta love all the righteous Baptist. The hypocrites of modern day religion of Salisbury.

  30. Thanks for the uh...ride...uh...there. Now someone get that woman some needed HELP!!!

  31. Lots of people have been caught acting inappropriate outside of their work and faced consequences from their employers. Hate to break it to you!! If you want to employ a cop hater I won’t be buying a home from your business.

  32. If this biatch is elected to a Wicomico county seat there is no hope for my children here. I’ve raised them strong and competitive, never to make excuses. Thanks Mrs. Drunk azz for making our decisions easier.

  33. This woman her history in short is: can't stay sober, can't win an election, can't control her dogs, and never knows where her kids are. LOOSER!!!!!!!!!

  34. She is ranting that if she gets elected at-large, then she will be the first female to do so. WRONG as usual.
    Years ago a lady by the name of Rebecca Taylor-White ran at-large and was elected. Poor, poor Julie, always getting things mixed up. She certainly does look older than her age - alcohol or whatever she is on is not her friend.

  35. The date to withdraw from the election is long since passed. People who run and then die after that date but before the election have been know to have been elected.
    Remember Wendy Rosen? She got nailed for voting in two states months before the election for MD State representative, but she still got over 35% of the vote running against maybe four other people. (She was running as a Democrat, just FYI.)

  36. Poor ole Julie. The booze and pills have taken such a toll on her. She looks so old and haggard. She has made such a fool of herself with her drunken escapades . I don't think I'll be listing my house with her or anyone else from ERA. She really needs help. If she would look in the mirror (while sober) she would see for herself how her lifestyle has not been kind to her.

  37. I think everything in this video should be aired on WBOC but of course they won't do that. The public needs to know about this before the election it is called an informed decision. Totally drunk, drugs or both, I hope she sees this video maybe she will get the much needed help she has avoided for years.

    1. Another loser Democrat wanting to circumvent the system with their dirty politics so a damn Democrat will win. A true Republican wouldn’t fall for this Bullsh!t.

  38. How do you get videos like this? I'd like to see the half dozen on the mayor and his crew. I've seen them all so wasted and cops called that I'm surprised there arnt any on here.

    1. 7:39 PM you are 100% correct, going all the way back to Dinglebarrie Tillmon. I would live to see a video of when Jimbeau Liarton went in the women’s room of Mojo’s and whipped out his little boyhood in front of 3 women employees when he p!ssed in the sink. Hell, I would settle them coming forward like the females did on Judge Roy Moore and Judge Kavanaugh. At least this would be the truth.

    2. They were city employees!?!?

  39. Funny she PLED GUILTY.

  40. You're screwed either way. She's sided with Cannon behind the scenes and McCain will get all the teachers in wicomico county property taxes paid for them. This is sickening and sad to see Salisbury going to shit like this

  41. Hey Joe, a Salisbury Fire Department paid employee wrecked another city vehicle today.

    I was listening to my fire radio about 3 PM this afternoon and I heard:

    "Assitant Chief 1(Obarsky) to Central."
    Central: "Go Ahead."

    "Assistant Chief 1 to Central, can you send the proper police agency to Rita's for a departmental MV?"

    Central: "They are en route."

    Oh, no matter whose fault it was why were they at Rita's at 3 PM on a Sunday afternoon? Shouldn't they have been at the fire station where they are paid to be? How many employers allow their own employees to frequent Rita's daily" Maybe they were going to Acme to get tonights dinner and then got a snack at Rita's?

    I wonder if Chris O'Barski wrecked that $100,000 fire department SUV again? What would that be 3 or 4 wrecks in Salisbury Fire Department city vehicles? Who cares, the taxpayers will have to pay for it anyway.

    If they were at the fire station this wouldn't have happened.

  42. Nobody wants to see this crap.

  43. Julie did want you to see this. All she wanted was a video of the back of her head. LMFAO. SAD SAD SAD

  44. #JulieBrewsyeahcouncilmeetingattendancewillblowup

  45. Also, in court, her defense tried to make this a probation before judgement; however, it was denied. She did plead guilty to driving under the influence and got two years probation with a 120 day suspended sentence. I just can't believe she was actually propositioning the officers asking "what can i do for you" several times. Also, she didn't get convicted of a collision or even negligent driving. She should have been convicted of one or the other. She got what most people do on their first alcohol offense, two years supervised probation.

  46. Famous Drunks: Otis, Mr.Lehey, Foster Brooks, and Julie Brewington.

  47. Famous Drunks: Otis, Mr.Lehey, Foster Brooks, and Julie Brewington.


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