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Thursday, September 13, 2018

And It's Not Even 4 PM, Welcome To Trader Lee's


  1. It could've been bigger except for all the BS hype for Florence and the completely wring early forecast for OC - but it's still going to be huge at Trader Lee's!
    Being at Bike Week and not going to Trader Lee's is like going on the Boardwalk and not getting Thrashers Fries!

  2. Is the Mexican food inside of the establishment or outside? OR was it just there temporarily??? I remember Joe showing pictures and a post of a Mexican kind of canteen at this place... I wanted to show support...

  3. Looks like more people than what showed up at Jake’s little shindig last weekend that went bust.

  4. Based on these photos, drone footage and cell phone data Jake Day is predicting that there are about 100,000 people here at Trader Lee's.


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