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Thursday, September 27, 2018

American Legion Chili Cook Off

SAL Chili Cook Off October 20th, 2018 from 12:00pm to 4:00pm. 

If you wish to compete, Entry fee is $10.00, call the office and leave your information. (410) 749-9814

Chili must be made on the premises on the day of the event so bring your crock pot, skillet, kettle, ingredients, etc. 

A $2.00 sampling punch card will be available to those who wish to taste the competing chili recipes. 

Awards will be given out to top three best chili's, hottest, and most unusual.


  1. Salisbury American Legion, right up there on the hill off Route 50 coming into Salisbury.

  2. Headed West bound into Salisbury the legion across from the armory??


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