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Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Allen West: Why Does the Progressive, Socialist Left Get to Decide Which Women to Believe?

I have spoken about this before and will continue until there is consistent justice. We are about to enter another dramatic week surrounding the 11th hour allegations and accusations of Professor Ford against Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh. The incessant rhetoric from the progressive, socialist left is that Professor Ford must be believed, that her accusations from 36 years ago must be taken as credible. She must be believed, and there should even be an FBI investigation. If anyone has been keeping up with this episode, they know that there are more questions for Professor Ford to answer than Judge Kavanaugh. Of course, my saying that opens me up to condemnation from the left, and this is so for no other reason than the fact that I am being a reasonable and objective individual that is fairly assessing this situation.

Amazingly enough, the left has already begun running political ads demanding that Judge Kavanaugh, who is beyond qualified, not be confirmed to the nation’s highest court. The left has even gone so far in these ads to suggest Judge Kavanaugh is a sexual predator.

A sexual predator? Based upon what evidence?


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