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Thursday, September 13, 2018

A Viewer Writes: Sunset before Florence

Taken last evening in Salisbury at the Boat Ramp off of Riverside Drive.


  1. What an ugly city Salisbury is.

    1. You see 3/4 buildings and think you are seeing the whole city? Jeez

  2. And a very interesting 'glow' at first light the last two mornings.

  3. Beautiful picture..............taken late in the evening so as not to show the floating body, fecal matter discharge from the city sewer plant or chicken feathers blowing over from the processing plant.
    Lipstick on a pig...

  4. Great picture of a great city. Show some pride.

  5. Do any of you take pride in your home town? I'm new to this area and all I hear is how awful it is. Why are you still living here?

    1. I agree. That's why I moved after 10 years. Don't hate the area. It is great for some but wasn't for me . Only complaint - high taxes.

  6. 1:06
    Are you saying there are chicken feathers in the Wicomico River near Mill St?

  7. I agree with 1:06 if you don't live near it and not in your neighborhood pictures look good. Take from locals it is slimy, sludgy, fool of dead floating fish and birds, I believe there is toxicity there. I used to enjoy a ride by boat down the river, you wouldn't believe what you would see on a ride now.

  8. A picture with section 8 housing, a shipyard and fuel terminal in the background. That's beautiful!! You idiots wouldn't know beauty if it bit you in the asses!!!! Should have seen the area 30-40 years ago


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