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Wednesday, September 05, 2018

A Viewer Writes: Folking on Facebook

Look what was posted on their fb page at 4pm this afternoon!
I recaptured a screen shot on the volunteer page and included the timestamp @ 11 PM showing 156 slots still unfilled for bucket beggars.
There are now 390 unfilled volunteer positions.

On 8/28 they tried to publically shame other government officials in to begging. Desperate much?

City of Salisbury, Maryland

August 28 at 9:43 AM ·
WOW, SBY!!! Volunteer spots for the National Folk Festival in Salisbury, MDare filling up FAST! If you're still looking for opportunities to chip in, we have openings on our NFF Bucket Brigade! And... To make things interesting, let's turn this into a challenge, shall we? We're calling out Carl Anderton Jr. Jim Mathias Addie Eckardt Sheree Sample-Hughes John Mautz Christopher Adams Mary Beth Carozza and Charles J Otto! Come on, Eastern Shore Delegation -- let's see your spirit!


  1. Begging for $$$$$ to paint More Gay Rainbows.
    Jim Ireton you miss are a disgusting pedo.

  2. Would be interesting to see where Jake has volunteered to do anything in their district. Like people aren't busy enough he wants them to drive 3 hours over here just to stand around and beg for money at a FREE festival.

    1. Boycott like the rest of us are the only people who will be there is Snowflakes gays libs and thugs.

  3. Half if not most of those called out I see keeping the money

  4. Bring out the prisoners and let them volunteer

  5. Leave it to Salisbury to continue to show how low class they are. They advertised this as free and now are going to bother people with buckets to give money. You can get anymore crude and primitive then this.

  6. I'm putting together a group that will sit on the opposite side of the river and watch the disaster unfold. It is a volunteer position however you don't have to do anything and are encouraged to do nothing. It's called the #uckit brigade.

  7. if i carry a bucket its a dollar for me then a dollar for bucket and you see where this is going

  8. The proceeds from the buckets should be used to reimburse city taxpayers for the hundreds of thousands of dollars blown to prepare for this "free" concert.

  9. 11:25 AM You win. Funniest I’ve seen yet!! Almost spit out my lemonade!!

  10. isnt walking around with a bucket and begging for donations or money panhandling? didnt they stop the beggers on the street corners? If so then isnt this the same thing and isnt it illegal? The city has stooped to begging people to panhandle for them. Pretty ghetto.


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