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Sunday, September 16, 2018

A Viewer Writes: Flooding

6 inches Morris Leonard. Never saw this before. Ground saturated. Whatever the hurricane brings will cause lots more.


  1. Get used to it climate change is real!

    1. And has been for, I don't know, forever. Propagate your hyperbole with more purpose ha! Just typing that was fun

    2. So are tin hats snowflake.

    3. I bet you vote Democrat?

      ass whipe

  2. Can't wait to hear the idiot Stevenson on television again spewing whatever lies Jake Day tells him to give for Salisbury's oncoming flooding

  3. Know right where this is and it has happened before. The ones not paying attention have spun cars into the woods over the years.

  4. I live in this area and it has flooded 6" or more many times.

  5. Oh yes, I forgot about climate change lol...

  6. Anonymous said...
    Get used to it climate change is real!

    September 11, 2018 at 9:06 PM

    Has nothing to do with climate change you retarded Liberal Douche Bag. You must have gotten your information from CNN.

    1. @9:17 I saw this morons interview about the festival traffic screwup. What's wrong with the poor guy?? He looked like he was having a major panic attackwhile being interviewed. If trying to feel important brings you to the point of almost passing out, let it go!! He looked ridiculous trying to be so articulate and educated in explaining a traffic jam

  7. Stop living in a BOWL.

  8. It seems to always flood in this area when we get a significant amount of rain. It's a low area and water has no where to go until it sinks into the ground. Usually they close the road so you can't get through.

  9. Sorry i dont feel bad for these people they want to live near the water in a flood zone have at it.

  10. Happens every time it rains!!!! Same with melon church road in Delmar, floods from the road up to the front door of some houses, and the ditch overflows and the one road gets shut down and is impassable...

  11. Climate warming is another hoax by the "sky is falling" snowflakes! Come back in January and February and tell us about global warming!!!!

  12. Climate change is real. Global warming is crap. The climate is changing it has been changing and evolving since the beginning of time. The hoax is the liberal snowflakes use it to push their agenda. No planes, no cars and no trains and no carbon footprint in the 1500's or so, google and read up on the midevil warming period and the mini ice age. The earth did warm up and then it quickly plunged into the iceage. do some reading up on the past weather events. so yes climate change is real, global warming hoax is crap invented by Al Gore and other liberal leftests of his time. Remember the fake photos of the polar bears and the ice was melting? all Fake. The polar ice caps melting and the ice cutters were getting stuck because the ice was so thick. Remember? The melting was all Fake. Look how much money they have made on duping the masses to believe their garbage. The earth is not warming it is cooling. Do some research of your own.


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