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Wednesday, September 05, 2018

A Viewer Writes: Bucket Brigade

Hi Joe,

I was in the customer service area at Lowes (north Salisbury) on Sunday morning. An individual stated he was looking for donations
for the Folk Festival and the “bucket brigade” Lowes gave him 150 5 gallon buckets for the cause. Thought you would get a kick out of it.


  1. I'm obviously too stupid to get it.

  2. Year 2 & 3 will be an absolute failure once word gets out that every 10 minutes you are being asked for a donation.

    Nothing like trying to enjoy a blues band and having some dweeb shove a pail in your face begging for money.

  3. Wonder if he had to show I.D.?
    Could make a few bucks on them at a flea market.

  4. Anyone wonder how much all these tents are costing? They all look new,so I guessing the vendors didn't buy them.

  5. Seems like having people roaming around with a bucket asking for donations makes them a target for robbery...if they actually get any money, they will stick out like a sore thumb...I foresee some "grab the bucket and run" crimes, if not worse!

  6. I wonder how many of these bucket babies are gonna get robbed when the bucket is full? Where are they going to be taking it to? Who is going to process is, safe keep it and account for it? How many bucket babies are going to skim some themselves?

  7. Park & Flea will be closed on Saturday for the National Folk Festival.

  8. The kick is == Lowes had donated 150 buckets and I came to pick them up == Your version is not exactly correct.

    Thank You Lowes

  9. I'd much rather see the people's money go to the vendors there, rather than recoup the poorly planned financially loss. All kidding aside, I hope the Festival doesn't fail as bad as it has been planned and prepared, because it makes the Bury (all of us) look bad, period!

  10. Well if someone collects a hundred dollars in donations how much do you suppose will actually get to the festival. How about if someone just gets their own bucket and just asks for donations and never says its for the festival. I bet that will happen.

  11. There will be security and cameras everywhere.


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