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Monday, September 24, 2018

87 Women Who Know Brett Kavanaugh: The Allegation is ‘False’

(CNSNews) -- Eighty-seven women who personally know Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanugh stepped forward today to demonstrate their conviction that Christine Blasey Ford's allegation that Kavanaugh committed a sexual assault against her 36 years ago is “false."

“Women from every phase of Judge Kavanaugh’s life, those who know him best, have stepped forward to say that the allegation being leveled against him is false, and we are proud to stand with Brett,” said Sara Fagen, a former senior aide in the Bush administration who worked closely with Kavanaugh and who spoke for all 87 women.

The women gathered at a press conference, #IStandWithBrett, at the J.W. Marriott Hotel in Washington, D.C. on Friday. They declared the sexual assault allegations brought forth by California psychology Prof. Christine Blasey Ford are false and they attested to the judge’s character.

More here


  1. I see where this Ford woman issued a public statement this afternoon. How did that happen? She's supposed to be in a car, driving from California to Washington because she's afraid to fly. Remember that? Does her car have a fax machine, internet access, a word processor or is all of this another lie?

  2. His kindergarten teacher said though, he did try to kiss the little red haired girl on the monkey bars.

  3. Of course, the main networks won't report this except Fox News.

  4. Beatrice, the nanny that assisted in Brett's birth, is willing to testify that she saw him grab a woman's breast that was not his wife, but another mans wife. He then proceeded to suckle on it! This proves he is perverted according to Chuck Shummer.


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