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Monday, September 24, 2018

2018 Maryland Gubernatorial Debate Goes Live At 7:00 PM


  1. So are the Flyers and Bruins...
    At least that will have a winner!
    A few real fights!

  2. Ben seems to have a lot of special interests he wants to give a lot of money to.

  3. Hogan blitzed and bombed Jealous from start to finish. Jealous is an arrogant clown who is worse than Anthony Brown.

  4. This cat is hung up on NAACP and Nobama Care. Just like a democrat, shoot off at the mouth with lies and no facts. Another lazy dude wanting to graze at the peoples's trough.

  5. I voted for Governor Hogan and have not been overly pleased. He again gained some respect during this back and forth crap. But at the end he reminds me what I dislike about him when he shoots down his republican president. Sir, President Trump doesn't need your advise.
    I surely can't vote for the bullshit thrown by the other yoyo. All he wanted to talk about is black, black, black. Hell I'm white, white, white, but don't have to speak of it and never have until this sentence. No wonder we are in bad shape with the type of people running for office with every party.


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