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Thursday, August 09, 2018

WikiLeaks legal team ‘considering’ offer for Julian Assange to testify before Senate Intelligence Committee

WikiLeaks said Wednesday its legal team is “considering” whether to allow founder Julian Assange to testify before the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee, posting a letter it says is from committee leadership.

The letter, dated Aug. 1, says the committee is requesting Assange make himself “available for a closed interview with bipartisan Committee staff at a mutually agreeable time and location.” The letter is signed by Chairman Richard Burr, R-N.C., and Vice Chairman Mark Warner, D-Va.

A spokeswoman for Burr declined to comment about the authenticity of the letter.



  1. Prayers for his safety, HRC will stop at nothing to take him out since he can prove what they did to set up this so called Russian crap, as well as having Seth Rich killed.

  2. He set foot here and die's by hands of Clinton animals and this will point back at them.

  3. Don't fall for it Julian.


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