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Wednesday, August 08, 2018

Why I Am in Favor of Liberal or Conservative States Seceding

When anyone used to mention secession, my response was always the same, “We settled that issue during the Civil War.” I no longer feel that way and I have selfish reasons for it.

Our country is in deep trouble. The level of debt we are piling on is unsustainable and given Republican reluctance to tackle the issue along with delusional Democratic demands for even higher spending, it seems likely that we’re headed for disaster.

What would that disaster entail? Among other things, probably a refusal of foreigners to lend us money, your life savings becoming nearly worthless overnight, skyrocketing taxes, an end to Social Security and Medicare as we know it, a devastating economic crash and quite possibly even high levels of violence and disorder.

This is a wild card for our country because everyone can see that it’s coming, but no one knows exactly when or how bad it will get. I know people who have put large amounts of money into prepping because of this. I know people that have moved to the country already in preparation for this happening. Do you want me to tell you they’re crazy or wrong for doing this? I can’t because if people are ripping the copper wiring out of buildings in the cities and bread costs $20 a loaf in 10 years (which is possible by the way), then they’re going to look awful smart. That bugout bag, a week’s worth of food and a handgun may be totally inadequate if it all goes to hell in a handbasket.

Theoretically, at least for now, this is a very fixable problem. It would just take Republicans and Democrats in Congress putting the good of the country first and working together to get our country’s finances back on solid ground. It would mean no new significant domestic spending programs, reforming Social Security and Medicare to make them more sustainable, ruthlessly slicing government programs, probably raising taxes on everyone from the middle class on up and cutbacks to defense.



  1. How about a balanced budget amendment? What say you Trump? Get rid of the Fed...

  2. Agreed. Succession is the best non violent approach to resolving this. Unfortunately, just like the last time, the government will not allow that and violence will be the only way to effect change.

  3. But don't forget we still need to build that wall to keep the criminals and free loaders out. If we don't kick out all of the illegals nothing we do will work. I think most Americans would be willing sacrifice some of our comforts if it was truly helping the country, however all, including the politicians, must sacrifice equally.

  4. Lets see.....count on politicians to do the right thing.......OR....buy guns and ammo.
    I'm thinking guns and ammo, but I could be wrong about the politicians.

  5. I would love to see conservative states sucede. I would love to love live in an area where everyone had the same values, responsible to each other to use common sense


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