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Wednesday, August 29, 2018

When You Elect Clowns, Expect A Circus


  1. And when your newspaper is run by clowns expect the same. Did you see the Daily Rag article comparing the Trump flags on the boats in O.C. to Confederate flags. They say the flags are ruining people's ability to digest their food when they go out to eat and they have to see Trump flags everywhere. Poor little snowflakes. Keep putting those flags out. Trump 2020.

  2. The article in the Daily Times about the Trump flags is an opinion piece written by Palmer Gillis and he complains about the "1%" who fly these flags. He isn't one of course, even with all the deals that Jake has thrown him. He states that of course all of the 1 percenters are happy with Trump, he just provided them with a huge tax cut, but for the poor people, they don't realize that MAGA hats will now go up in price from $15 to $20 dollars because of Trump's trade tariffs. Palmer must be a Democrat, huh?

  3. 100% the Truth. Go and watch them on the Pac channel. Dumb and dumber. They can't possibly strike anyone as having even an average intelligence level. I couldn't imagine being related to one of these imbeciles. That would be so humiliating and embarrassing.

  4. We are ready!!! New broom sweeps clean!!!!!!!

  5. That is awesome!!!

  6. Time to cover the DTs with Trump flags!!!

  7. Who’s going to step up then and become the new major

  8. ask this question. Why would a Trump hating leftist give money into MaryBeth Carozza's campaign? She and a couple of her croonies were at a private event at his house back in July. Why???? What does he expect her to do for him as State Delegate or State Senator?


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