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Wednesday, August 08, 2018

West Hollywood Council vote on Removing Trump Hollywood Star

The West Hollywood City Council will consider a resolution Monday urging the Los Angeles City Council and the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce to strip President Trump's star from the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

The council's agenda item states the move was prompted by Trump's "disturbing treatment of women and other actions that do not meet the shared values of the City of West Hollywood, the region, state, and country," according to the Hollywood Reporter. Examples include the Trump administration's position on immigration, climate change, and Russia's attempts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election, a council report added.

The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce previously refused to take away Bill Cosby's star over public backlash prompted by sexual misconduct allegations leveled at the actor and comedian, according to the magazine.



  1. Bill Cosby's stays?

  2. Yeah but President Trump is white....different set of guidelines!

  3. Then they'll have to start chiseling out fifty other stars, just for starters, if their criteria is about mistreating women.

  4. What bad treatment of women would that be?

  5. Cosby stays and Kevin Spacey too, but my great president has to go, what a bunch of horseshit!

  6. A star on a sidewalk in a neighborhood riddled with drug abuse and prostitution.

  7. I don't think our President is bothered by this at all. And I'm not either.

  8. As long as he lives in the White House, who cares?


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