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Sunday, August 12, 2018

We're At Buddy's Crab House $25.00 All You Can Eat Crabs

Located right next to the Rt. 50 bridge and the Inlet, we'll catch all the boats coming in tonight. I heard WMDT interviewed Mark Odachowski for their 5:30 broadcast. WBOC refused to talk to him even though he offered them free Trump MAGA flags. More to come...


  1. WBOC and Martk are POS.

  2. I tried to contact WBOC to ask about this. I clicked every link on their website....nothing. I think this made my mind up....I'm not a big fan of WMDT but WBOC has gone way too far to the left. I'm outta here WBOC.

  3. Is this every day or only certain days?

  4. Mark is a turncoat. He is a staunch supporter of DEMOCRAT Jim Mathias - so how in the world can he endorse Trump's Make America Great Again.

    Everyone knows that Jim Mathias voted for the MD residential sprinkler ordinance and that sole piece of legislation has literally crippled the residential construction industry. The stats speak for themselves.

  5. I agree with the 5:33 Poster, as Mary Beth Carozza should have an easy victory lap. Jim Mathias tattooed his politics to western shore leaders like Madaleno, Bush, Miller, and now he's about to pay the price.

  6. Mathias is a joke! Complete tell ya what you want to hear democratic liar!

  7. #1 - Went to Buddy's last Thursday. Very good deal, can't wait to go back. Friendly staff, fat crabs, great view, good atmosphere.

    #2 - Having known Mark Odachowski very well for 30 years, he's not a "turncoat." He's friendly with Jim, like most people are, and he's also a Trump supporter. There's nothing wrong with that combination. Mark thinks independently. His businesses (electrical contracting and don't forget he built houses too) took a big hit when Obama did nothing for the economy. There's nothing Jim could have done about that; he didn't create it and a state delegate or senator can't fix a national disgrace like Obama's economic failure.

  8. It is very sad that most of you are not smart enough to understand that a person can be friends or even a business partner with a person that has a different political view or affiliation.

  9. I'm with 7:57 and agree, and Maty beth won't be able to do what Jim will. Agree the sprinkler issue is a job killer. APPEAL. I think Jim may feel the same way on this.

  10. Saw the WBOC camera truck leaving OC at about 8pm.

  11. Anonymous said...
    I agree with the 5:33 Poster, as Mary Beth Carozza should have an easy victory lap. Jim Mathias tattooed his politics to western shore leaders like Madaleno, Bush, Miller, and now he's about to pay the price.

    August 6, 2018 at 5:44 PM

    You agree with the 5:33 Poster, but you failed to do your homework or you just ignored the fact that Mary Beth Carrozza voted for the Fire Sprinkler legislation as well!!

  12. Love Buddy's - we were there Sunday also. Beautiful views, friendliest staff ever, good food. Thank you Buddy's for everything good.

  13. Jim didn't work for Mark. He worked for Matt.

  14. 5:33. Of course he supports Jim Mathias. They're good friends because Jim works or did work for Mark. Duh!
    And, Jim has supported many Worcester county businesses, so quid pro quo. I get it.
    I often jump the fenc on local candidates, but am trumps biggest supporter. Even attended the inaugural events.

  15. The view is great there. No Trump flags giving indigestion .


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