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Monday, August 13, 2018

Watch: Amazon Alexa Claims Hillary Clinton Killed Vince Foster


  1. she is an accomplice, along with many more.

  2. That was / is common knowledge that the Clinton Mafia completed that task

  3. Can we start taking bets on how long it takes before Alexa "commits suicide"?

  4. What does Alexa say about the pizza shop in DC?

  5. The Clintons aren't just crooks they are murderers also.

    1. Indeed they have quite the kill list including Seth Rich.

  6. 3:18 the two of them are murderers they are responsible for many deaths directly tied to them and Fosters with the right DNA and evidence on file they both could be behind bars but I don't think we'll ever see it happen because history will not allow a former president and Secretary of State go down. It would make our country and leaders look bad and the country will never let it happen. It's like Jimmy Hoffa's murder no trial no nail in the coffins.

  7. More recently, Seth Rich, DNC campaign staffer and Kurt Smolek, State Department Information Security Officer both dead in D.C. one shot in the back the other face down in the Potomac.

  8. Lol you guys do know that Alexa can be trained with your responses, right? FAKE NEWS.

  9. CNN is reporting that a woman Named "Alexa" was found this morning in her office dead from an apparent suicide. Law Enforcement sources have said, "The deceased was hung by the neck from her overhead fan, and had also taken poison, and had also shot herself 5 times in the head". This crime was taken over by top FBI officials for solving.


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