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Monday, August 27, 2018

Was Mollie Tibbetts the Victim of Mexican Machismo?

Recently, a liberal-leaning American girl named Mollie Tibbetts, totally unaware that the norm that dictates male sexual behavior in Latin and Central American was about to cost her life, went out for an evening run.

Little did Mollie know, when approached by a 24-year-old illegal Mexican driving a black Chevy Malibu, she probably was being confronted by a cultural inclination that – much like Muslim cultures – considers women inferior to men. Nor is it likely at the time that Mollie realized that the guy following her came from a part of the world where males satisfy sexual appetites any way they see fit.

Women either submit or, in many circumstances, die.

And so, when Mexican illegal Cristhian Bahena Rivera, 24, saw Tibbetts, aged 20, jogging, he did what his culture taught him to do: he "pursued her in his vehicle." A month later, in an Iowa cornfield, Mollie's decaying body was found.

With the aid of a Spanish translator following his arrest, Rivera told police that after shadowing the Iowa college student in his car, he "[l]ater ... parked ... and started running near her." Apparently, in Mexico, males stalking females is considered a compliment.

More here


  1. Yup she SUPPORTED illegals and she got a taste of them.

  2. Well since people from south of the border cannot leave their barbaric ways behind in their home countries then they should stay in their home countries. BUILD that wall. MAGA

  3. Right either obey and submit sexually or at the very minimum get the living daylights beat out of you is how it works.
    The problem with democrats are they aren't educated. They think they are but we know this to be not true. They are completely ignorant when it comes to cultural differences.
    Democrats cultural ignorance is why they failed to see the significance of when obama bowed to the Saudi leaders. In the Muslim world Africans are inferior. The Koran says this that black Muslims are inferior and stupid and can't be anything more then slaves to Arab Muslims. obama being a good slave knew he better bow to the Saudi's or they would have sent his butt packing and would never meet with him. Dumb Americans thought it would be cute to elect a black (and then a woman) as president but the fact stands almost the whole rest of the world sees both as inferior and is why the US wasn't respected when obama was president.
    Both Saudi Arabia and China has no one to meet obama on the tarmac when he arrived. China ever refused to provide stairs for Air Force 1 when obama visited. This because he is black and to them not worthy. Contrast this with the welcoming President Trump received from both countries. Sorry if anyone doesn't like this fact but the truth is the truth and it's time the ignorance of the democrat voters is called out. They should be happy to be finally getting a real education.

  4. She was a Trump Hating Hack who supported illegals and to be murdered by one well she learned the hard way What say you LIBS ?????????

  5. This is why liberals want the criminal immigrants living in YOUR neighborhood, not theirs.
    They LOVE diversity, everyone from everywhere, and think rainbows are the answer to all problems.
    They just want to make sure "we, the people" vet them in OUR neighborhoods first.
    To be killed by the very people you praise, encourage, and support is the way it's going to go for these people. They are too stupid to see it. I'm too disgusted for sympathy. It's a wash.
    Keep cheering.

  6. I don't know the deceased, so can't say what her views or opinions were. How do these commentators know something like that?

    1. Because they read the story, 12:59.

  7. People - an innocent victim died here - probably violently and she was most likely scared to death. He was an ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT. Get them out of our country!

    1. By the people she SUPPORTED A ILLEGAL .)


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