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Monday, August 27, 2018

UNC Board Calls for Reinstallation of Destroyed Confederate Statue

A board member at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has called for the school to re-erect the Confederate statue destroyed by a mob last week.

In a video posted to Youtube, UNC Board of Governors member Thom Goolsby decried the “violent mob” that pulled down the over 100-year-old Confederate memorial named “Silent Sam” and said that the statue will be returned within ninety days.

“Many of you share my concerns and those of my fellow governors of the UNC system as to what recently happened at the Chapel Hill campus where a statue was torn down by a violent mob, and the police stood by and did nothing as that happened,” Goolsby says on his video. “We are investigating everything that occurred. I want you to know that we will do all we can to work with the trustees and the administration to see to it that the perpetrators are punished, that judgment is sought for their felonious criminal acts.”

Goolsby also cites “North Carolina General Statute 100-2.1,” which he says requires the statue of Silent Sam be replaced in 90 days.



  1. Investigating ? BS , tax payers will foot the bill . Yada Yada YAda

  2. Good.

    And make sure the police share the cost of restoration with the University equally.

    Shame on both of them.

  3. Why announce it? That's more publicity for those angry to come back! Why oh why do we need to keep promoting items that entice bad behavior?

    Allow things to calm down, then replace the statue..

  4. Awesome, some backbone for once!!!!Silent Sam will be silent no more!

  5. Dave T: Great news. They should. And people responsible for this cowardly act need to learn some respect!


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