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Saturday, August 04, 2018

TSA may stop screening passengers at 150 airports

The TSA is considering nixing passenger screening at more than 150 airports across the country, a new report reveals.

The proposal, laid out in documents by a TSA working group, would get rid of screening at some small and medium-size airports serving aircraft with 60 or fewer seats, according to CNN. If the passengers on those planes are connecting at a larger airport, they would instead be screened there.

The documents say there could be some risk associated with the move, stating there would be “small (non-zero) undesirable increase in risk related to additional adversary opportunity.” The move would save $114 million per year, the documents show.



  1. Good. They are useless anyway.

  2. Well, as much as the Dems want to abolish ICE, watch them go full moonbat and complain about this move, LOL!

  3. TSA has a 95% failure rate. End the whole damn thing.


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