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Friday, August 03, 2018

Trump Tells Jeff Sessions To End Mueller Investigation "Right Now"

President Trump was later then normal to take to his Twitter account this morning, but nevertheless provided a triumvirate of tweets that doubled down on his views of the Russia probe and what should be done about it.

Trump began with a two-fer tweet, quoting Alan Dershowitz:

“FBI Agent Peter Strzok (on the Mueller team) should have recused himself on day one. He was out to STOP THE ELECTION OF DONALD TRUMP. He needed an insurance policy. Those are illegal, improper goals, trying to influence the Election. He should never, ever been allowed to remain in the FBI while he himself was being investigated. This is a real issue. It won’t go into a Mueller Report because Mueller is going to protect these guys. Mueller has an interest in creating the illusion of objectivity around his investigation.”



  1. Totally agree. 2 years and a nothing burger.

  2. Sessions needs to go


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