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Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Trump shames Sessions: 'If we had a real Attorney General,' there would be no Russia investigation

President Trump complained Tuesday that the Russia investigation would never have been launched at all if he had a "real" attorney general in place to stop it.

"If we had a real Attorney General, this Witch Hunt would never have been started! Looking at the wrong people,” Trump tweeted Tuesday morning. His tweet also quoted Fox News host Gregg Jarrett, who said the Justice Department's goal under former President Barack Obama was to "clear Hillary Clinton and FRAME Donald Trump for things he didn't do."



  1. Sessions is honorable only to the swamp and to be sure it continues as usual.

  2. At the time of the hiring of the little fellow, I thought it was a good move. He flipped before the ink dried. The black gal that was just fired I don't know about because I never watched The Apprentice. I support our good president, but he should had know better.

  3. I have no problem with it. They've already exposed Manafort for the con he is. Let's keep finding more scum


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