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Sunday, August 05, 2018

The Number Of Americans Living In Their Vehicles "Explodes" As The Middle Class Collapses

If the U.S. economy is really doing so well, then why is homelessness rising so rapidly?

As the gap between the rich and the poor continues to increase, the middle class is steadily eroding. In fact, I recently gave my readers 15 signs that the middle class in America is being systematically destroyed. More Americans are falling out of the middle class and into poverty with each passing day, and this is one of the big reasons why the number of homeless is surging. For example, the number of people living on the street in L.A. has shot up 75 percent over the last 6 years. But of course L.A. is far from alone. Other major cities on the west coast are facing similar problems, and that includes Seattle. It turns out that the Emerald City has seen a 46 percent rise in the number of people sleeping in their vehicles in just the past year

The number of people who live in their vehicles because they can’t find affordable housing is on the rise, even though the practice is illegal in many U.S. cities.

The number of people residing in campers and other vehicles surged 46 percent over the past year, a recent homeless census in Seattle’s King County, Washington found. The problem is “exploding” in cities with expensive housing markets, including Los Angeles, Portland and San Francisco, according to Governing magazine.

Amazon, Microsoft and other big tech companies are in the Seattle area. It is a region that is supposedly “prospering”, and yet this is going on.

Sadly, it isn’t just major urban areas that are seeing more people sleeping in their vehicles. Over in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, many of the homeless sleep in their vehicles



  1. A van can easily be turned into one of those tiny houses that everyone is crazy about these days.

  2. Because the snowflakes aren't looking for jobs....their still looking for free handouts the there States give them!!! It's going to end.....shortly!

    1. If you feel that way about free handouts dont collect social security or utilize medicaid

    2. Maybe you can explain how social security is a hand out when I've been paying into it and Medicaid my entire working life? Thats what the 7.65% FICA deduction represents. Educate yourself before speaking in ignorance.

    3. You mean social security disability. Those who receive social security paid into to the plan the first day on the job and throughout their career. Benefits are not that much. Welfare receipients probably receive more money than social security.

  3. 4:25 AM you are ignorant.

    I suggest before you open your mouth you educate yourself and search the wanted ads and see that THERE ARE VERY FEW. There are several for $10-$12 and hour and tell me how you afford $1200 rent on $10-$12 an hour.

    Just because YOU are no living this experience doesn't mean it isn't happening.

    1. Go back to mommy's basement snoowflake

    2. Look I work more than im home and as much as I can't stand snowflakes.....this dude/girl whatever HAS A POINT! Most people don't want to pay anything decent and therefore we can't afford to live on our own....its the truth

  4. There really is a housing crisis in America. One that is mostly ignored.
    When you look at the cost of buying AND maintaining a home, or renting and covering bills, for many people, that is out of reach. The sad part is, most Americans don't have ANY savings, let alone what it takes to put a down payment on a home.
    One thing that the 2008 financial crisis did was made it much harder for many Americans to qualify as lenders were forced to become more particular.
    BTW, this wasn't Trumps fault. He wasn't even a candidate back then.

    1. Let's not forget the generation that had to have it all right now. No savings. Govt will take care of me in my old age attitude.

  5. But what good would it do to scratch up a down payment on a house and qualify just to lose it a few months later when he or she couldn't make the payments?

  6. Don't let a cop see you sitting or living in your car, they will claim you are suspicious and harass you...

  7. Dave T: Thanks for posting this. I'm a Trump supporter, but he should refrain from claiming we now have the best economy in the nation's history. If we did, this wouldn't be happening. However, I wonder if that plan for ideal economic success these days is defined by eliminating the middle class entirely. In that case, things are well on the way and very successful.

  8. The price they charge for rent in Salisbury is outrageous! No wonder people end up living in their vehicles.

    1. Yes I agree. Take a look at who you are renting from - owners are wealthy. Out of touch. Fancy cars, private schools, luxury vacations. Do something about it. Stop complaining.

  9. Million's of jobs are being created yes, but how many are part time with no benefits? With the 15 per hour crap, stores are going to self check out. The Royal Farms in Laurel, DE has replaced 3 cashiers with self check outs. 2009 to 2016 put us in a hole where it will take 25 years to get out of. That's only with a republican in office doing the work of course.

  10. Still waiting for those tax cuts for the rich to trickle down

  11. @ 7:27
    Actually you are the ignorant one.

    How about work two jobs at $10-$12 dollars an hour to make ends meet and support you and your family. I did it, it won't kill you. Or will you melt snowflake?

  12. Go across the bridge. You will find good jobs. Move to a state that has work. Can't start at the top unless you have a rich daddy. Seems to be alot of those in Salisbury and Fruitland. Join the military. Not the local national guard. Go where the jobs are. I did. It works.


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