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Wednesday, August 22, 2018

The #Metoo Movement Is On Its Last Legs

It’s been a bad few weeks for the #Metoo movement. First, we learned about the domestic-abuse allegations againstDemocrat Congressman Keith Ellison, then we learned about the leader of the #MeToo movement, Asia Argento, allegedly paying off her own sexual assault victim.

On its face, the #Metoo movement sounds like a good thing, but it’s a slippery slope because due process is simply thrown out the window for many of those accused of sexual misconduct.

The Left, however, seems to care more about due process when it’s one of their own under fire, which explains why Democrats and the media are relatively quiet on the very serious allegations against Ellison.

“America Uncensored” is a Daily Caller program dedicated to political stories dominating the news cycle. TheDC’s Stephanie Hamill is a straight shooter who isn’t afraid to tell you what she thinks.


1 comment:

  1. Yes, the unfortunate choice of names (#metoo = pound me too) probably had a little to do with the credibility of the movement.


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