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Sunday, August 05, 2018

State calls Trump flag hoisted on Hatteras ferry ‘inappropriate’

A Trump 2020 flag hoisted above a state ferry boat caused a Twitter commotion Friday and a promise from the Ferry Division that the incident would be investigated.

“Clearly, this is an inappropriate use of a state-owned vessel that we are taking very seriously. We are working with NCDOT’s Office of Employee Relations to investigate the matter and will then take appropriate disciplinary action,” said a post on the Ferry Division’s Twitter feed.

The M/V Frisco was on a run between Hatteras and Ocracoke about twilight when the flag was spotted and photographed by a passenger, according to The Virginian-Pilot. It was hoisted on a mast that included the North Carolina state flag and the American flag.

“(N)o matter one’s political affiliation, putting any sort of campaign material on a state-owned vessel is not appropriate,” NCDOT spokesperson Andrew Barksdale told WRAL-TV.

@NCDOT_Ferry Hoping for a swift response to the flag issue this evening.
Clearly, this is an inappropriate use of a state-owned vessel that we are taking very seriously. We are working with NCDOT's Office of Employee Relations to investigate the matter and will then take appropriate disciplinary action.



  1. But it is OK to fly a rainbow flag that clearly prompts Sodomy !

  2. If it was black lives matter, mexican or Isis flag it would be ok!

    1. How are those 3 things even remotely similar in your head?

  3. The ones he is making in China?

    1. Make China and Russia great again

  4. MAGA.....made in China ha ha .
    Due to the tariffs the hats will increase in price by $5

  5. Anonymous said...
    The ones he is making in China?

    July 30, 2018 at 1:28 PM

    Crybaby Libtard Socialist, STFU!!

  6. Would I be arrested if I removed it???

  7. 12:49 PM, how in the hell does a rainbow promote sodomy??? LMAO. One flew from the cookoo's nest with that comment.

  8. Dave T: If it doesn't suit liberals, it's inappropriate. What a pack of losers, they are worse than young children whining when they don't get their way.

  9. 2:15 the rainbow flag is the flag of support for the gay lifestyle, which last I read, sodomy is a huge part of it.

  10. It’s a state owned vehicle. It shouldn’t be flying political campaign flags. It’s should either be flying the NC state flag or the American flag, that’s it. You know you conservative snowflakes would be having a conniption fit if it had been a flag promoting a Democrat.

  11. If you drive down to Frisco NC, right by the Frisco Rod & Gun, a "Hillary for Jail" sign is still up on NC 12. Makes me smile every time I see it.

  12. Put a Hillary flag up and see what is said

  13. 1249, would love to see a photo of where you have seen those on a state vehicle. You guys seem to love to just make up stories to try to justify your point of view.

  14. If it was a Hillary flag would be no investigation it would be overlooked.


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