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Thursday, August 23, 2018

'Snowflakes' Banning Snowballs: 'The Five' Reacts to New Policy at Delaware State U.

The panel on "The Five" on Wednesday discussed a new ban on snowball fights on the campus of Delaware State University.

Dana Perino said the Dover, Del. campus decided to ban the activity citing "fear of potential harm to others."

She said the ban was considered necessary after students were throwing snowballs inside dorms over the past winter as well.



  1. Yeah the pastey gamer's and phone addicts don't have real world reflects . It's cruel to wake their coma and confuse them.

  2. Are they going to name a building for the last person to get two black eyes and a broken nose from a well packed and well thrown snowball? After all the names of sex offenders and slave owning families are removed, there are going to be a lot of open slots.


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