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Wednesday, August 01, 2018

Sentencing of Brandi Upshur


  1. Bye bye.
    Sad that they are so busy killing each other off around here instead of trying to have a productive honest life.

  2. Ask her if black lives matter. Really. Ask her.

  3. What's a "life" sentence in Maryland? Like a minimum of 7 years, before eligible for parole. Big whoop.

  4. can anyone tell me where she gets her hair done. i would like to try that shop

  5. eligible for parole after 15 years....

  6. but MD is different in that the governor has to approve and sign off on all recommendations by the parole board. No governor in decades has paroled a murderer sentenced to life. I can't remember the circumstances but there was one paroled who went on to kill again.

  7. Good bye and good luck.

  8. Life has been life every since Glendining was in office. Governor has to sign any parole for lifers

  9. out in 7 years max! total joke!

  10. And under the new Justice Reinvestment act, if she screws up her parole with anything other than commit a new offense or abscond, she can ONLY get a 15 day hold..then 30, then 45 Kind of a middle finger to the victims family....thanks Hogan, for signing off on that piece or crap legislation!


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