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Thursday, August 23, 2018

Sen. Warren Asked About Illegal Alien Murdering Iowa Girl


  1. Obama Crooked BastardoAugust 23, 2018 at 4:11 PM

    When will the people of Massachusetts wake up and VOTE THIS FAKE INDIAN OUT! Her whole political "career" has been full of lies and deceptions, almost as bad as Hildabeast herself, almost.

  2. If they won’t defend America they need to be removed. She is top of the list. What she is doing is treasonous. She cares more about third world murderers than us.

    1. Thats the ENTIRE demoncrat party!

  3. Pocahontas is just echoing the whole dumbocrat party.

  4. What about Molly's mama she's separated from her baby forever!!!!!!!!!!!What a moron of a woman just a complete ass

  5. First of all, does anybody other than me see just a little bit of "crazy" in this woman?
    Secondly, let's break this down:
    You get pulled over driving, you have your kid in the car. An old warrant for, say, a Failure To Appear charge is found. They call Child Services for your kid, and you go to jail to see a commissioner.
    (The Liberals, of course, call this "ripping the child away from his parent" when similar situations come up at the border.)
    You break a law, you are arrested. It doesn't matter who is with you. You're going to jail.
    It's too simple. I don't understand the big deal!

  6. She is disgusting.

  7. I am willing to break my right hand by punching her directly in her nose. I will live with the pain of the fracture for the pleasure of knocking her out.

  8. Somebody needs to just stuff some socks in that ugly mouth of hers

  9. Elizabeth Warren is nothing more than a white Maxine Waters - braying jackasses, both of them

  10. Man, if that face is what has replaced the failed fat lady I can't take it much more. It has been abusive to see the failed fat one all these years, can't wait to see The Donald take her off stage. Love the labels he puts on the losers.

  11. It's scary to think that woman could possibly be our President someday.

  12. I really do not want to disrespect this blogspot and Mr. Albero. But, E. Warren is full of shit and the rest of her friends, B. Sanders, Pelosi, Schumer, M. Waters and the DNC.

  13. Dave T: Shame on this hypocrite. What a pathetic loser if there ever was one. And to think this jackass has the thought of being our next president is laughable. She couldn't lead a three car funeral.


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