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Saturday, August 11, 2018

Screw Your Feelings, Man: Former MSNBC Host Trashes Whiny Antics Of CNN's Jim Acosta

CNN’s Jim Acosta is becoming the story of the week. Well, at least one of them; the Trump White House is a flurry of activity. Acosta was at President Trump’s rally in Tampa, Florida on Tuesday, where supporters of the presidentheckled him. Yes, they chanted “CNN sucks.” Yes, a few middle fingers were thrown. So what? Suck it up. Acosta stayed and did his job, so at least he has the gumption to—you know—take a few punches. And he obviosuly wasn't in mortal danger because he did stay. The alleged abuse was patty cake stuff. It was no different than trash talking at a sports event. Still, never sacrificing an opportunity to be on television, Acosta said he felt he was no longer in America due to the heckling.



  1. Jim,
    Your imagination of "America" is vastly different than the one our Founding Fathers thought while writing our Constitution, but you still have the right to melt down when these rules are not in alignment with yours.

    It must suck being you.

  2. Can't we all just say goodbye to Acosta? Really tired of hearing his screaming bull$hit.

  3. CNN wants to hold him up as a martyr.
    ANOTHER fairy tale network know-it-all who has ALL the answers, if we would just listen to him.
    If he would stop trying to BE the news and start reporting on the NEWS, he wouldn't have half the problems.
    He substitutes his opinion and worldview for what he calls "news". THERE is CNN's fatal flaw. If they REPORT the sky is green, well, it's green and you should recognize that "fact". Failure to do so places you well beneath the all encompassing, all-knowing, and arrogantly superior CNN geniuses and their friends at the other "let's get rid of the president" networks.
    That IS their main focus and goal. They don't even try to hide it any longer.

    The Tree of Liberty is withering before our very eyes.
    It needs refreshment.
    Look THAT up.

  4. Ditto 10:44......this punk is just staved for attention. Building his brand as they say today. I think he should be barred from White House conferences with Sarah Sanders. If that is not possible, don't call on the spoiled turd.

  5. His 15 minutes of fame (brand) is just about over. "Jim" may want to think about assimilating BACK into society before he vanishes for good!


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