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Friday, August 03, 2018

Prosecutors dismissed sex abuse case against Moonves in the 80s

A woman last year told LA police that CBS chief Les Moonves sexually assaulted her in the 1980s — but prosecutors declined to prosecute the case due to the statute of limitations, according to new reports.

The unnamed woman, who knew Moonves through the TV industry, went to cops in December 2017 to report three incidents — involving forced oral sex, battery and indecent exposure, according to the LA Times.

One of the alleged incidents took place in 1986 and two in 1988.

California scrapped its 10-year statue of limitations on rape and sex assault cases last year, but the change wasn’t retroactive, so this case would still be considered too old for criminal charges.

The LA District Attorney’s office officially declined to file charges in February, NBC News reports.


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