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Monday, August 27, 2018



  1. God always has a back up plan.

  2. That would be the best if that would happen...

  3. What's amazing is a lot of people think if by some miracle President Trump is impeached he would be thrown out of office and Hillary would become president. All are democrats of course who think this. Democrats are truly an ignorant bunch of lying worthless pieces of crap-who have NOT ever contributed anything positive to society and never will. They have failed at everything they ever do including being good parents.

  4. What ever it takes to make America great again!

  5. Trump IS NOT going to be Impeached for a possible campaign violation which would be a FINE and if that's the case COMEY AND HILLARY are going to Prison for 100 yrs for hiding and not properly investigating HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of new EMAIL Hillary HID

  6. That's not how any of that works... smh


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