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Friday, August 03, 2018

Paramount Owes America an Apology for Jay-Z's Trayvon Series

On Monday evening, the Paramount Networks aired the first part of a six-part documentary series on the death of Trayvon Martin called Rest in Power: The Trayvon Martin Story.

If multimedia impresario Shawn "Jay-Z" Carter had chosen to tell it, there was a story to be told here: a story about a boy bounced around among his biological parents and other relatives after his parents' divorce; a story of a boy whose descent into drugs, guns, fighting, and burglary accelerated after his father left his stepmother, Alicia, his "rock," when Trayvon was 15.

There was a story to be told of how Trayvon's school shielded him from the criminal justice system – much as the schools in neighboring Broward County shielded Parkland's Nikolas Cruz – even after Trayvon was apprehended at school with a weapon, a burglary tool, and stolen jewelry.

This cautionary tale of abandonment and betrayal was not the one Jay-Z chose to tell. Instead, he submitted his audience to a TV hour of racially incendiary hokum shamelessly untethered from the inarguable facts of the case. The next five hours will not be any better.



  1. Shameless race baiting is part of the problem, not the solution.

  2. If you don't like it, turn the channel. I see mountains of garbage spewed from conservative mouth pieces every day.

    The truth is Martin was far from an angel. And Zimmerman was getting beat because he chose to roll up on people and act the tough guy. Just like the recent shooting over the parking space in FL, these guys want to be Tony tough then when they reap the consequences they want to shoot. You should NOT be able to create a hostile situation that you then take someones life over.

  3. Sounds to me his problem stemmed from being raised by blacks.

  4. Typical of liberal hollywood. Tell what sells, not the truth.

  5. I watched about 10 minutes of it. I found out it was the NRA's fault. Go figure.

  6. Just race-baiting to make a buck or two..

  7. He's telling the BLM narrative, not the one with all the truth. Shame on him and shame on the network.


  8. Synopsis: Thug caught slug.

    The pendulum needs to swing back to stable families, responsible parenting, positive male role models, consequences for anti-social actions, etc.

    We know what's broken and how we got here. We need to muster the courage to roll it back. Or we all lose.

  9. Of course an apology is needed. It's all propaganda. We are seeing it locally with the low IQ April Jackson. She's real good at spreading the lies as is usual for her when it comes to the blame game but you can bet she never watch the trial because if she did she would know better. Or maybe not because she is not an honest person. And if she denies this her own post about this topic proves she is a bold faced liar. The real thing she should be ashamed of is daring to call herself a Christian. But no need to keep on her. God sees her ugly ugly heart.

  10. BLM's own chant is fake. Hand up don't shoot never happened but since lying is one of the only thing they excel at they keep it up. Making babies they are too uncivilized to raise properly into respectable, law biding, self sufficient adults is the other thing they excel at. Over 80 percent of black babies born out of wedlock and they worry about a thug like Martin. That's how low they have sunk.

  11. There civil war is coming 2020.

  12. I didn't watch it, didn't care to watch it, had no interest in watching it. Jay-Z needs to apologize for many other things than some Rest in Power "show".

    And if a civil war does erupt, it won't last very long at all!


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