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Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Outcry after study shows Google’s Android collects ten times more data than Apple’s iOS

A damning report into Google data collection found that the Android operating system sends ten times more personal information, including location data, to the tech giant than Apple’s iOS. The study caused an outcry on Twitter.

Yet, the research by Professor Douglas C. ,Schmidt from Vanderbilt University claims the figure is only the tip of the iceberg, as it represents activity when a device is stationary, meaning the user is not interacting with it. Once users start using their phone, the data sent to the server increases “considerably”.

Disgruntled Android users have flocked to Twitter to accuse the tech giant of “tapping into everything it can.”



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    1. So you don't mind someone sitting in a room watching everywhere you go, listening to everything you say and, when it is not covered watching you through the camera on your phone, built into your tv, your car and any other electronic device you may purchase? You won't mind that even if you turn it off they are listening to your most intimate conversations or seeing who you visit, how long you where there and what you talked about? A lot of us don't like having our privacy invaded like that and when we purchased the phone their was no disclosure stating that they could and would do this. No such thing as privacy or trust when you purchase a product anymore, by your thinking it would be ok to put that same technology in your alarm clock so they could listen and watch what you are doing in bed and they don't have to tell you about it...think about that


  2. 'Don't Be Evil'...Oops!

    We need a new slogan.


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