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Tuesday, August 07, 2018

NRA Mocks Hogg, Anti-Gun Rally Protesters With Armed Security

The NRA took full advantage of an opportunity to mock anti-gun protesters - led by David Hogg - for being under the protection of men with guns during their weekend rally in Virginia.

Armed security blanketed the hundreds of protesters and survivors of the Parkland, Florida, high school shooting who held a rally Saturday outside NRA headquarters in Fairfax.

The NRA's social team went to work.

"Today, David Hogg (with armed security) and a bunch of gun-grabbing activists protested our empty HQ, and there were some interesting people there," the NRA tweet read.

More here


  1. Nikita Khrushchev called people like this guy "Useful Idiots"

  2. I would like thank you to all the protesters for every time you hold a rally i buy another box of ammo.

  3. ong

    that's not Hogg

    that's S. Olsen of Peace Alliance of the Lower Shore

  4. The only reason this weirdo needs armed security or any security for that matter it to make himself feel important. No one is going to ruin their life for this peon with major mental issues. His parents if they were good ones would have him committed for a mental evaluation. Something isn't right with him. He has a uncontrollable need to show off and begs for attention.

  5. Dave T: "Useful idiots" is a good way to put it.

  6. At our gun range we use his photo as a great target, right along with Palosi.

  7. He always looks constipated.


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