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Sunday, August 19, 2018

NFL won't discipline Kneelers as Anthem Protest Continues

Professional football is back and so are the take-a-knee protests, but the NFL isn’t planning on disciplining players who refuse to stand during the national anthem—at least for now.

Oakland Raiders running back Marshawn Lynch sat on the bench while the anthem played before Friday night’s preseason game, just as he did last year, and Miami Dolphins receivers Kenny Stills and Albert Wilson knelt prior to the Thursday game in Miami.

In a statement, the NFL said it was still engaged in “constructive discussions with the NFL Players Association regarding the anthem and issues of equality and social justice that are of concern to many Americans.”



  1. The viewer base will discipline the entire league!

  2. 8:09 You are correct. I didn't watch one game last season and I don't plan on watching any games this season.

  3. It's the owners who are responsible for these rogue players, not the NFL. If they pay them for doing what they do, they approve of it. If not, stop paying them.

  4. That's find. More of us just won't watch and the ratings will plunge more meaning they will lose money.
    This is just more examples of blacks acting stupidly and how they will ruin every good thing given to them come hell or high water. The NFL more then any other entity had made millionaires out of more blacks then any other And instead of doing good most are thugs and continue to add to their criminal records. Anyway let them ruin the NFL too. It's par for course with blacks to crap up any good things for them. And then just wait since honesty is not something they value and since the very simple concept of personal responsibility isn't something their brains have evolved into understanding they predictably will blame whites.

    1. Sheesh, ever generalize much. Lol. I could lost off any number of initiatives that players (and regular ol avg black folks) are spearheading or otherwise supporting in commu and ities across the country. Facts dont seem to matter much to folks who have decided to create their own reality.

      As for millionaires.......sigh..lets try again to engage your logic gears again. The players are protesting what they see as civil rights violations for a seath of the US public. They are NOT whining because they havent made enough money. In dact they are risking their livliehood for a cause they believe in. Regardless of whether you agree with their stance, you have to admit doing so is the exact opposite of acting "stupidpy"

  5. Simple solution, Everyone just quit watching them bang their heads together. I believe all that banging has really affected their brains anyway.

  6. I boycotted the games last year. Hopefully if enough people stop watching and stop attending the games, the NFL will get the message and stop this insanity.

    People watch sports and games as an escape from the reality of our daily lives. We don't need to be subjected to this or their political viewpoints. In my eyes, by them not standing for the national anthem, they are traitors, not worth my time or money.

  7. So then why did they change their rules???

  8. As the old saying goes " you would F*** up a free lunch"

  9. I can't wait until all of you white liberal jackasses that have allowed this element to become part of your immediate family are forced to decide which side to side with because of race. Either way you're screwed. There are so many elements of society already dictated by one's race it's scratching it's way back to everyday existence. Look how the lowest forms of society function in your prison system, ALL by race. Do you think when shit hits the fan and we are all turned against one another race won't be a factor. Be prepared or be a victim

  10. Hey 8:42. Is it hard to type with that hood over your head?

    1. Is it hard to type with that pink pussy hat on in mom's basement.?

  11. Again like Facebook, I would boycott them now had I ever watched. I never watched or supported their cause in my many year due to the criminal behavior many have. Screw them and Facebook.

    Trump/Pence 2020!


  12. Enjoyed NFL previously for decades. But if they won't discipline their employees while they're 'on the clock' I'll find more productive uses for my time. Did that last year and it worked out fine. Money I used to spend at sports bar and on licensed items found other enjoyable avenues.

    They (NFL) know I'm not the only one. They better put on their big boy pants and put a screeching halt to this nonsense. The whiners and malcontents can do as they please in their personal time, and save the world in their vision.

    But game time belongs to those paying the freight.

  13. 99.9 of them are doing the right thing it's the media coverage drooling over the few for George Soros ratings .

  14. How about we just stop playing the National Anthem before games unless it is a special day of remembrance. Seriously. What does the anthem really have to do with sports?

    1. Move to Russia COOMIE BASTARD.

  15. 909, they are acting VERY stupidly. They are not drawing attention to the issue. They are drawing attention to themselves. When they are kneeling, no one is thinking "geeze, social injustice!" They are thinking "why are these knuckleheads disrespecting the country that made them millionaires for playing catch?" The manner in which they elected to demonstrate has divided the country, not helped to heal it. It's not what you say, it's how you say it. When I see PETA throw red paint at people I think "punks!" When I see the honest love for animals demonstrated by someone like Steve Irwin, I think "wow, we have to protect animals!" Be respectful if you want to be respected.

  16. The good old National Felon League just doesn't get it. You can't let the inmates run the prison. It's time to get them back into shape and boss/employee relationship

  17. "As for millionaires.......sigh..lets try again to engage your logic gears again. The players are protesting what they see as civil rights violations for a seath of the US public. They are NOT whining because they havent made enough money. In dact they are risking their livliehood for a cause they believe in. Regardless of whether you agree with their stance, you have to admit doing so is the exact opposite of acting "stupidpy"

    August 14, 2018 at 9:09 AM"

    You must be joking? You can be that ignorant can you? They are acting stupidly! There are no if's and's or but's about it! If they want to whine do it on their own time and not in their workplace. They are ruining it for others some low wage employees who really need the money! If you don't think that is stupid then that says a lot about you as a person. Either you are stupid too or you are a piss poor example of a human being who thinks it's okay others suffer because thugs want to show off.

  18. NFL- Keep riding your inaction to the bottom! Time to loose more this year.

  19. 12:42 it has a lot to do with sports. It's because of our freedoms that the NFL exists and can charge what they want and pay what they want. In some countries sports teams are under government control and players get expenses paid and a very small stipend.

  20. It's time to rid the NFL of these players that are merely looking to cause racial tensions. There are so many borderline talent players that given the chance would flourish. The biggest thing they would represent the League positively with class and character. Rid the league of the dope smoking, wife beating social justice look at me idiots

  21. I watched last year but now I'm done .

  22. Let's really talk about equality and social justice ! These people make millions playing a GAME. Working people kill themselves and don't earn that in a lifetime or get the perks or respect they do. Let them take a knee and beg in the streets.
    I wish Jimmy the Greek were still alive. He got chastised for saying one of the truest thing about modern minority athletes. It's seasonal game. I can remember when they all had other jobs.

  23. Americans never could recognize an unfixable problem.There simply is no resolution to this and the coming years will prove it.The best solution I've found is to change channels until the game starts and the anthem is over.It's just a stupid game played by stupid people.

  24. Well the owners have lost control of their business and their employees. When they finally fine and punish the kneelers, it will stop, just like that. Nutless owners, letting the employees make (or break) the rules, just because they are black. You know, practically all of my NFL jerseys are black players. I'm having my own protest. I'm burning all the ones that are black players, but not the white ones. Of course there aren't many white players, so I will be burning most of my jerseys collected over the last 15 years. The players have turned the NFL racist and political. Who wants to watch over paid, black, racist, beasts (yes, I did say beasts, you've seen what they do to each other on the field) disrespect our country and our flag on the field? No longer a fan, don't want to watch them protest, don't want their jerseys. Football doesn't mean a lot to the players that kneel, and football doesn't mean anything to me anymore.

  25. Roger Goodel could and should stop this but he is too chicken.

  26. I'm not watching anymore, my neighbors don't watch and my immediate family do not watch. Billion dollar company doesn't feel it but I feel better about it... However watching black guys get brain damage for while billionaires and then protest USA is soooo funny to me.

  27. I don't give a damn about their protest. And now I don't give a damn about football. Well played, you idiot overpaid athletes. In your stupid minds, you think you are winning, but not in my playbook.

  28. August 19, 2018 at 11:15 AM:

    Goodall is only thinking of his multi-million dollar contract. He doesn't give a crap about football.


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