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Friday, August 31, 2018

New Poll Shows Majority of Americans Don't Want Impeachment for Trump

After Michael Cohen's plea deal and the resurfacing of his allegations that Donald Trump ordered the attorney to pay off women with whom Trump had affairs, a new poll shows that although a majority of Americans surveyed believe Cohen, a majority do not favor impeachment.

Axios and Survey Monkey conducted the online poll, which surveyed 4,362 adults and demonstrates some interesting findings. A total of 64 percent of those surveyed believe that Cohen is telling the truth, but only 44 percent support impeachment proceedings against the president.

It's worth noting that President Richard Nixon didn't face this high of a percentage of Americans in favor of impeachment until the weeks before he resigned.

Breaking the findings down into subgroups reveals interesting partisan fault lines. An overwhelming majority of Democrats — 93 percent — put stock in Cohen's accusations, and nearly eight in ten are in favor of impeachment. It's a different story for Republicans, where only 8 percent support impeachment, while 38 percent believe Cohen. The percentages of independents nearly match the average.



  1. It doesn't matter who the President is anymore some crackpot calls for impeachment. Come back when an impeachable offense has been committed.

  2. It is ridiculous to even have a poll for such a asinine thing.

    Trump/Pence 2020!

  3. Can we impeach whats is name anderson on CNN?

  4. YES ......Only the DUMB, WELFARE RECIPIENTS,ILLEGAL ALLIENS, Lying Socialist, Liberal Dumocraps want him impeached.


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