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Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Nebraska becomes first state to execute inmate using fentanyl

Nebraska has become the first state to execute an inmate while using fentanyl, a powerful synthetic opioid that has contributed to the nation's opioid epidemic.

The Nebraska State Penitentiary on Tuesday executed convicted murderer Carey Dean Moore with a mixture of drugs that included fentanyl,according to The New York Times.

Nebraska is not the first state to consider using the synthetic opioid while carrying out the death penalty, though it is the first to follow through on the idea.

Last month, Nevada planned to use fentanyl in the execution of convicted murder Scott Dozier, but decided to postpone the procedure.

The use of fentanyl in executions has drawn some criticism,including from the American Civil Liberties Union, given the drug's role in the opioid epidemic.



  1. Wow what a great idea!

    Now lets watch the libtards try to ban fentanyl

  2. The drug's role in the opioid epidemic proves it just the right thing for executions. It works and it isn't painful!

  3. It's cheap so use it.

  4. My EX was addicted to that prescription .... she banged Eastern Shore Doctors for more of them

    I would be rich to know all those Eastern Shore doctors names

    1. Sounds like you dated a winner

  5. It's probably one of most humane methods to execut e someone. They simply lapse into a deep sleep .

  6. Might make a great assisted suicide drug.
    Pleasant and painless.
    Probably what they used in the movie Soylent Green when Burgess Meredith decided to take himself out of the equation!
    Give me some fentanyl and a beautiful nature scene and some classical music!


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