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Sunday, August 05, 2018

Municipal Studies

It never ceases to amaze me when elected officials find it necessary to hire outside companies to tell us we need additional parking, like we're now seeing in Berlin.

For me personally, it's studies like this that blow me away. You see, (in my opinion) it's a total waste, ($20,000.00) of taxpayer money. You either have a parking problem, OR YOU DON'T!

HOWEVER, let's take a look at the City of Salisbury and their lack thereof by your current Mayor. Should a parking study have taken place when you originally tell people you've got some 300,000 people coming to Salisbury for a Festival? Especially when you only have a total of 5,000 parking spaces, including the Shorebirds and Civic Center lots. Should a STUDY have been performed for the "shelter in place" for the Festival event?

All this being said, your Mayor continues to allow such major events and even a bike share program WITHOUT any consideration of taxpayer funds. 

Are you OK with the $1,400,000.00 amphitheater now in Salisbury? After all, it was taxpayer money being spent. Are you OK with riverfront lots being sold for as little as $5,000.00 when the City paid as much as $200,000.00 for those same lots years earlier?

So the big question is, should municipalities do studies BEFORE major decisions are made, or not? In Berlin, it seems to be a no brainer, Berlin needs additional parking. Again, just my opinion. However, do you not think it's abusive when your Mayor, (Salisbury) just keeps blowing taxpayer money in what might be considered fraudulent? 

This should get very interesting!


  1. 1.4 M? what? are you kidding me? for that? There is no shelter. Its just a grassy area surrounded by concrete. I have not quite figured out where you are supposed to sit there. In the grass? On the edge of the concrete block?

  2. Hey Joe I saw that the bikes in down town Salisbury are cleared out. I haven't seen any of them and the bike racks are empty. Might be worth looking into.

  3. President Donald J. Trump would have negotiated four more cities of "The Bury" for that price, if the citizen's wanted them.

  4. When it's OPM (other peoples money), it's easy to be forward thinking. It's the Democratic way, spending other peoples money knowing you can get more.
    So, go ahead and sell city properties for way under appraised value - especially if the sale is to 'friends of Salisbury'. And then, go ahead and 'plan' (sarcasm) an event at the cost to city taxpayers hoping that the revenue will offset the costs.
    Remember Hope and Change??? Remember how that turned out??
    The citizens of Salisbury can only 'hope' that the Folk Festival 'changes' things for the better and that the Boy Wonder's gamble pays off.
    For our sake, I hope he's right.

  5. It will never change as long as boy mayor is in office. The down town network of "you scratch mine and I'll scratch yours" will work hard to keep him in office because they are benifiting them most.
    It was your election to lose. Better wake up Salisbury before all is lost.

  6. The bike program has morphed into a battery powered scooter program which will not last long because the scooters will disappear as soon as they appear. The scooters are 42.5 inches long and fold up into a small package 8 inches thick, just the perfect size to fit into a car trunk, or under a coat or even a large t-shirt. They retail for $585 each so everybody will want one for free.

  7. Joe who gives a shit, certainly not the citizens of SBY, for they keep voting for people like the gay mayor, and then complain when he does the same old song and dance all politicians do... Here is a though, though it might hurt your head, research and actually think about the people you are voting for, for this very reason... This is 3 mayors in a damn row where they are doing what they want, how they want and when they want... Instead of complaining which solves nothing, and makes more people pissed off, how about putting action behind those complaints and focus on recalling the mayor or don't vote for people like that????

    I never seen bunch of stupid fat lazy clowns who complain about anything and everything yet refuse to effect change to stop it or to research before it even gets started..... NOOOOOOOOO that would be to easy, and to smart to do, and well we know you all are stupid and you can't fix stupid...

  8. I am going to laugh if no one ends up using this thing!!!!

  9. Will we be able to hear the musical acts over the noise of portable generators? I went by there yesterday and saw absolutely no provision for electricity and I'm sure the hotel next door will not be providing an extension cord. The only way this will work is if it's limited to acoustic guitars in the daytime. No lights, no microphones, no electric guitars, no brains.

    1. Actually, it appears there is at least an electrical connection on the hotel side. Looks like the kind they have at boat docks for yachts.

      Not sure how much that will actually help...

  10. The Big Salisbury Bankrupcy is coming and we all can blame our Mayor and his cronie friends.

  11. The bike program was stopped and they are going to try to return them--good luck with that. They're hoping the new motorized vehicle will be a bigger success. Not much time left to see this flop of a festival come to town, how will Jake explain this failure?

  12. Amphitheater? Just going to be another skate board park.

  13. FYI Portable Generators are remarkably quiet. They are used for various events throughout the county, i.e. Wine Festival. Although county the city has generators as well.

  14. jakey will not have to explain anything he will be out of the country


  15. Nice pic of new, closer to town skateboard haven. Good vantage point to watch the Section 8 construction across the ditch if, when it happens.

    And all the blather about the exercise value of freebie bikes vaporized. The scooters will eventually need recharged by the windmills.

    Great work, Mare, in getting the scooter factory located here in the 'bury instead of buying ones from China. Oops!

  16. Joe you left out the Park. The river banks look like crap with weeds, trees and briars blocking your view as you walk along the river. This is after they put in big rock a few years ago to keep the banks looking good and provided a good view. They still have not repaired the cannon on the hill which is a Salisbury landmark. the ZOO looks like an unkept forest instead of exhibits. The animal cages, several of them, has no water in their ponds. The whole Park and Zoo looks like drug alley. No one I know wants to walk through the Park anymore.

  17. Can't believe this is still on the calendar...good grief, how much money has already been wasted. Salisbury residents wake up!!!

  18. Amphitheater ??????????????????? Delmarva Vetran's Idiots must have taken the mayor for a good ride and he must be a bigger idiot than them.I have lived here my entire life and have never seen a bigger waste of money in my entire life in the past 50 yrs. The hands on work was done by a landscape contractor who has probably done bigger projects in some doctors back yard. I don't care what we paid for it it was unnecessary and we got ripped off !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. I thought down town was all Salisbury was. You mean its bigger than that? Really?

  20. I watched Glantz for the first time on Pac 14 chamber talk real recent.They were talking about this festival. Lights are on but no one is home here people and the salary they are paying this novice is down right crazy as hell.

  21. everyone talks about the idiots running Salisbury, i agree, but no one with integrity and smarts will run for office


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