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Wednesday, August 15, 2018

More Than Half of Foreign Refugees Are on Taxpayer-Funded Food Stamps

More than half of the annual inflow of foreign refugees arriving in the United States are on food stamps, a government report reveals.

Since 2008, as Breitbart News reported, the U.S. has permanently resettled more than 1.7 million foreign nationals and refugees through a variety of humanitarian programs like the Special Immigrant Juveniles and the Nicaraguan Adjustment and Central American Relief Act. This is a foreign population larger than Philadelphia, Pennsylvania — a city with more than 1.5 million residents.

An annual report by the Office of Refugee Resettlement was analyzed by the Center for Immigration Studies’ Jason Richwine, in which the analyst revealed that about 56 percent of households headed by foreign refugees who arrived in the U.S. between 2011 and 2015 are using taxpayer-funded food stamps.

Nearly 30 percent of refugees received cash welfare of some sort, while 34 percent of refugees 18-years-old or older said they had no health insurance. Of the refugees who said they did have health insurance, about 50 percent said they were either on Medicaid or Refugee Medical Assistance, both of which are taxpayer-funded.

Study: Welfare for Foreign Refugees Costs U.S. Taxpayers $870M Annuallyhttps://t.co/3HKVGc0nNR

— John Binder 👽 (@JxhnBinder) February 9, 2018



  1. As a 76 year old that worked since before my teens and since, this pisses me off dearly. Right's right and wrong's wrong. What the hell are we thinking. Don't we have a national debt?, thought so.

  2. Duh

    that's how DEMOCRATS get voted back in

    vote those Democrats out of office

  3. Yeah, come to America and be a freeloader, that's what it's all about, and we're stupid enough to let them do it.

  4. When you have no education, can't speak the language, have no skills other than tacking sheets of corrugated aluminum together for a house, and you have 5 kids you can't feed, well, shoot on over to the USA.
    We have LOTS of free stuff that working people get taken from them so YOU can get it free. For generations.
    Makes me want to get a second job so I can give them a better house and a new car.

    I made that last part up. Build the wall. 30 feet high. Electrify it with razor spikes on each side and have armed guards.
    Start acting like we have laws and rules for entry, instead of a broken wooden fence, 3 feet high with signs that say please don't cross this line.
    (and directions to the local welfare office).
    America LOVES immigrants, just not the ones who swim across the Rio or sneak across the border in Arizona and demand we take care of them.
    And especially the ones who only come for the welfare check.
    Most Americans have their own problems and don't have the time or money to be responsible for Juanita and her 3 kids (with TB) who walked here from Guatemala.

  5. Mandatory Speak English. Mandatory get a job. Mandatory be deported if on Tax Payer money.

  6. They are REFUGEES, here legally. They are here seeking refuge, of course they need assistance, they are refugees. They aren’t illegal aliens.

    1. Then, you bring them ALL to your house and feed them and house them and pay their medical bills.


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