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Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Martin Armstrong Dashes "Global-Warming Fanatics" Fears: The 'Hunger Stones' Have Appeared

While the Global Warming fanatics are out in force saying “see” the heat in Europe is caused by humans driving their cars around, they continue to ignore history...The extreme heat in Europe this year is part of a cycle.

The swings from extreme heat to extreme cold are also not unheard of. Another piece of historical evidence they ignore is known as the Hunger Stones.

This year’s drought in Europe has exposed once again the Hunger Stones that have been used for centuries to commemorate historic droughts which warn of their consequences when you see these stones again. The Hunger Stones are visible in the Elbe River once again. This is a major river which begins in the Czech Republic and flows through Germany. There are more than a dozen Hunger Stones that serve as records of previous droughts establishing that the extreme heat and drought of this year is by no means unique to history.

The various Hunger Stones record droughts that resulted in famine and soaring prices for food. The droughts that have been recorded on the stones date to 1417, 1616, 1707, 1746, 1790, 1800, 1811, 1830, 1842, 1868, 1892, and 1893, which covers a period of 476 years. This produces an average of 39.6 years. Just applying that average would bring you to 2012. However, we have to look closer. Note that two years 1892 and 1893 are back-to-back. This does not reflect two separate droughts, but the peak in intensity. Instead of there being TWO separate droughts, it is the same even just extended. That means there were really 11 events within this 476-year span of history and low and behold this alters the average to 43.27 years. This actually conforms to our Economic Confidence Model frequency of 8.6 years /2 = 4.3.


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