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Friday, August 10, 2018

'March on NRA' Protester Says It's Wrong to Shoot Home Intruders

A gun control activist who took part in Saturday’s “March on NRA” called for a total ban on firearms and laughed at the fact that some people thinks it is okay to shoot home intruders.

An NRA camera crew was walking around speaking with protesters when the woman said, “A gun ban is absolutely what’s necessary. I think that we need to start from scratch with the whole gun issue.”

She added, “We have people who think it’s okay to kill an intruder into their house.”



  1. So is the dumb ass saying it's fine for someone to intrude into your home and private space? Lol

  2. My mother...a Marine always said shoot them before they get in and drag them in and touch up your lipstick before you call 911.

  3. then publish this fools address!

  4. I guess that flake would offer the intruder hot cocoa and cookies?

  5. If they come in my house uninvited they will be shot dead, period.


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