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Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Making America Great Again


  1. Top picture is one total jerk for even thinking about putting feet up on that desk let alone actually doing it. What a damn failure this country experienced.

  2. Yup! No need to say more....

  3. Very obvious to me. The country has needed a President with business acumen to run the country; Obama was clueless! He was pretty and articulate but a puppet whose strings were pulled by progressive far left liberals bent on forever changing America. MAGA!!!

  4. The monkey pretender at the top never even ran a Kool-Aid stand. He "taught" Constitutional Law but said he didn't think the Supreme Court should overrule the will of the people.
    He thought printing $100 bills 24-7 for 6 years was a SMART idea.
    History will certainly label him as the biggest goof to hear prop his feet up on the desk.
    The one on the bottom is someone who knows how to get good, get better, and then excel. And he actually know how to get it done. With a track record.
    Who loves his country, and isn't ashamed of the USA.
    TRUMP 2020 and he cannot be stopped.
    Of course, if you think purple and green hair goes really well with the multiple rings and rods piercing your face, you don't have a clue.
    You THINK you're brilliant, when you are actually a spoiled sissy with no life experience other than taking your Mom's car to the store to get cereal (that she gave you the money to buy, LOL!).
    But, being so smart, you don't buy the cereal, you get another bottle of green hair dye so you look really attractive at the next "hate Trump" rally.
    Keep cheering.

  5. I love that guy at 10:50 - right on point

    As far as Osama Bin Lying with his feet on the desk - a complete ass and clown

  6. See how long this will last.
    BTW, Obama had several quarters of 4 $ GDP . Lets not let facts get in the way

  7. @ 1:13 you put 4$ GDP 4 DOLLARS SOUNDS ABOUT RIGHT....

  8. "several quarters"....lol....in 8 years??

    The sky ain't green, Bozo.

    With followers like you, it's a wonder obama wasn't credited for healing the sick and blind.

    obama, the monkey pretender, had a DISMAL, under-performing, anemic economic record, replete with high taxes and a regulation for everything.
    He STIFLED growth and business expansion.
    I'm SO happy he is gone.
    Keep cheering.

  9. That's the difference between a Black Muslim community organizer in the White House, and a most successful businessman billionaire, in the White House.


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