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Saturday, August 04, 2018

MAGA Flags Go Viral: UPDATE...

UPDATE: The individual who has now given out literally hundreds of these flags is none other then Mark Odachowski from Royal Plus Electric. 

So when I had learned last night that these flags were being flown all over Ocean City a friend tipped me off as to just who was behind them. So I picked up the phone this morning and text my other friend who is in fact behind them, he confirmed. 

His battery was dying on his phone and went dead while we were talking and at this time, (since I didn't get to ask him if I could mention his name) I don't want to expose just who this individual is but I can tell you that within a few minutes ALL 100 of the flags he had were spoken for and this morning he's getting another 100 coming in via UPS. The demand is so strong and so many people have been calling me asking where they too can get them.

I'll do my best to get my hands on a shipment of them and keep you posted when they come in. I'll close with this. The individual who brought these flags to the Marina said it is his absolute pleasure to provide them to ALL of the anglers interested in them as his business has gone through the roof ever since President Trump was elected. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!


  1. Lunatic people keep sending letter to the paper and posting on social media how they been coming to OC for 100 yrs and now to see the Trump flags isn't right for OC and how they don' want to see "politics" while on vacation while we know they are liars and are just fuming Trunp crushed their idol, crooked, lying, rapist and serial sexual harasser enable clinton. It's make they so angry and we deplorable love it so will continue to rub, smear and smash in their faces the clinton is a 2 time loser just like they are.
    They always claim they aren't coming back to OC unless the Trump support is hidden. To them don't come to OC. If a flag or whatever offends you you are a lunatic who belongs locked up in a mental hospital for life. democrats are all inherently dangerous violent dirtbags who can go rabid over anything with little warning. So again Trump flags offend you DO NOT STEP FOOT EVER AGAIN IN OC

    1. Maybe we should put a giant Trump flag on the east bound span of the bay bridge. Maybe they won't come to the shore at all!

  2. I would love to have one or more.

  3. I would love to have one or more. I would gladly pay for them and chip in so others could have some.

    If that possible let us know where to get them.

    MAGA !

  4. you dont see any dumocrat flags flying, thats because they would have to work to put one up. their too busy at the snow flake convention. Take heed jim mathias!! MAGA

  5. I'm proud of this individual and all who have them it is our God given right to show the truth--not like Fake News and Fake Hillary.

  6. If we could get more information or a phone number or email I'm certain that you could sell 500 or more!

  7. 6:52, Everyone should know the fact that Mark GAVE AWAY ALL 200 FLAGS and didn't charge for one of them.

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Lunatic people keep sending letter to the paper and posting on social media how they been coming to OC for 100 yrs and now to see the Trump flags isn't right for OC and how they don' want to see "politics" while on vacation while we know they are liars and are just fuming Trunp crushed their idol, crooked, lying, rapist and serial sexual harasser enable clinton. It's make they so angry and we deplorable love it so will continue to rub, smear and smash in their faces the clinton is a 2 time loser just like they are.
    They always claim they aren't coming back to OC unless the Trump support is hidden. To them don't come to OC. If a flag or whatever offends you you are a lunatic who belongs locked up in a mental hospital for life. democrats are all inherently dangerous violent dirtbags who can go rabid over anything with little warning. So again Trump flags offend you DO NOT STEP FOOT EVER AGAIN IN OC

    August 4, 2018 at 3:27 PM

    Post the social media links of the people saying that shit so we can see who they are. I have a feeling that many of them never step foot in Ocean City anyway.

  9. Isn't Jim Mathias part of Royal Plus?

    Maybe he has some redeeming qualities after all. I do like what Mary Beth has accomplished in her office and frankly think she should continue there. Jim can bring many more votes with him as Senator. I think I'll move towards Jim in November.

  10. Its gonna be a great White Marlin week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. I will give my business to royal plus electric anytime I need service from now on! MAGA! TRUMP 2020!

  12. I believe offshore sportfishing embodies what the American dream is all about. None of these guys and gals who put their heart and soul into this sport will ever say you didn't earn that. If you are not familiar with it, pony up some bucks and take a ride offshore for a day. Then you may learn something about what hard work is all about. Passion for something more is what this country was built on. You can see it every day at the docks. Best of luck to all the WMO anglers.

  13. Who is going to start the fund we can donate too to fly MAGA from behind one of the banner planes?

  14. God Bless him. Maybe all his years be filled with health, happiness, prosperity and all the good luck in the world.

  15. I would love one for my boat!

  16. Absolute Pleasure Rocks!

  17. @10:24

    I like the way you think!!!


  18. "Post the social media links of the people saying that shit so we can see who they are. I have a feeling that many of them never step foot in Ocean City anyway.

    August 4, 2018 at 7:03 PM"

    I don't know about social media but there have been some Letters to the Editor in the local Ocean City newspapers, I just saw another one 2 or 3 weeks ago.

  19. have the T-shirts come out yet?

  20. Please post the website where we can order a Trump flag.

  21. Snowflakes can't stand politics on vacation. Screw you, it ain't all about you.


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