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Thursday, August 30, 2018

Laura Ingraham Urges Catholics To Call For Pope’s Resignation

"Archbishop Vigano has done right by the Catholic flock"

The dam has officially broken for Pope Francis, with Catholics from varying corners now openly calling for his resignation after Archbishop Vigano's explosive letter accusing the Roman Pontiff of participating in the coverup of sexual abuse.

In an 11-page letter published this past Sunday, the former ambassador from the Vatican to the United States said that disgraced D.C. Cardinal McCarrick had sanctions imposed upon him by Pope Benedict in 2009 for sexually abusing seminarians only to have those sanctions lifted by Pope Francis himself upon his ascendancy in 2013. In no uncertain terms, the Archbishop concluded his letter with a call for Pope Francis' resignation, which has prompted many notable Catholics to follow his lead.


  1. hey hey ho ho, time for francis to go! the false shepard!
    probably thinking he can wait it out!

  2. Yep its why the first pope resign he was NOT going to play these evil games. Sorry to say but the Cathloic church is lost to the new age watered down religion it now luciferian. Like almost all MSC (main stream churches) these days. They have caved on the real truth
    And are run by unwise men

  3. Well there you have it. ANOTHER convert to the Catholic Church trying to destroy it. ANOTHER wannabe Catholic who wants to change the church because of here-say. Don't get me wrong. I dislike this Pope. Just the way he became Pope. One Pope retired. Retired?? Pope's don't get to retire. So to me the entire situation was fishy from the start. But convert's should SHUT UP or move on. You have been part of a 3000 year religion for 7 year's. It will be here long after you and your ASININE existence.

  4. If he knew about it, then he is complicit for doing nothing. Even the Pope is not above moral laws.
    If you or I knew someone was molesting children, would we sit by and do nothing? I seriously hope not.

  5. 7:02 snowflake? why would you not want to hold the enabler accountable?
    got some skeletons in your closet?

  6. How much more does the Catholic Church have to do?? They have given MILLIONS. They have gotten rid of many. Half of the allocations are about priests who are dead. But most of all the little PERVERTS sued the church to be allowed in. And society agreed. So you let these little FAGGS into the church. WTF did you think would happen?? Now your all up in arms. But yet they say the Pope knew. PROVE IT!! Because Laura Ingram the Protestant crossover days so??

  7. I am Catholic and totally disgusted with the liberal politics in the church! I never liked this Pope....he has his nose into alot that doesn't concern him! Locally, Father Ray is great, Father Lebarge is a stuffy priest and needs to go as well. I am pretty much done with this church... which only cares about money and the liberal agenda.!

  8. so being stuffy is a reason to be defrocked? amazing. as converts I see them doing a lot to uphold the faith! bottom linem if one is going to talk the talk then they damn sure should be walking the walk! don't matter, whether you are the poop or sitting in a pew!


  9. Being born into a Catholic family and raised in the faith is fairly easy. Some rules to follow and church attendance. I know firsthand, and it's a great gift.

    Converting to the faith is tougher, and an adult decision driven by life experience and reflection. So in many ways converts are more fervent, have a greater grasp of teachings, dogma and practice. In a real sense they may be better, more authentic Catholics because they went through an extended prep period before being admitted.

    All of this is to say that converts have an equally valid right to expect the very best personal actions and administrative behavior from all levels of the clergy as do those born into the faith.

    It is abundantly clear that many in the clergy have done wrong whether it was personal actions, or shielding those who were guilty of criminal acts. The Pope is no different; if he failed to act the responsibility is on him.

    1. Sorry but your so full of yourself. Converts are more Catholic?? They understand teachings better?? Put the pipe down grandmom. Your certainly not able to handle it. MORON.

  10. He should like the last one.


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