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Thursday, August 02, 2018

Irrelevant senators suggest Kavanaugh will make Trump a king

Democrat lawmakers rallied with nearly a dozen liberal advocacy groups on Capitol Hill Wednesday to protest Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, warning he would turn President Trump into a monarch and destroy American democracy.

The lawmakers complained that Judge Kavanaugh has shown a skepticism toward criminal prosecution of a sitting president — and said that’s a dangerous attitude to have on the Supreme Court with Mr. Trump in office and under investigation.

“I see a Constitution with checks and balances, but Kanavaugh doesn’t, so let’s send him to serve in some country that has a kingdom and a king,” said Sen. Jeff Merkley, Oregon Democrat.

More here


  1. What do Democrats know about democracy, except how to twist its meaning to suit their own agendas?

  2. Kings are born, not made, unless they pull a sword out of a stone.

  3. If President Trump nominated Joe Biden as a Supreme Court judge the Democrats and the media would find something wrong with that.

  4. So, the Democrats are "for the Constitution", but not for a Constitutionalist SCOTUS Judge?

    Your TDS is flaring up again, Jeff.


  5. Schmuck Tumor is a reliable weathervane; whatever he advocates is 180 degrees from the right and practical course. NY has had some excellent senators across time. What a travesty that this windbag was ever elected.

  6. Trump is above the law . Who cares anymore

  7. You could put Jesus Christ up for the supreme Court and DemocRATS would still complai.

  8. 1:14 PM - We can add eight years of wasted space while Hillary was a NY senator. I still feel sorry for the voters north of Westchester County, who were told that 300,000 jobs were coming as a result of her election, which turned into, instead, a loss of 70,000 jobs. I don't think that Hillary will be on the Senatorial Wall of Fame for New York State.


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